
Lactulose Solution is a laxative medication intended for oral use to address constipation and related conditions. Users must strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage and administration guidelines provided by their healthcare professional or as indicated on the product packaging.

It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before initiating the use of Lactulose Solution, particularly if you have a history of digestive disorders, kidney problems, or diabetes. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should seek medical advice before using this solution.

Lactulose Solution:

Lactulose Solution is a liquid laxative and stool softener commonly used to treat constipation. It is a synthetic sugar composed of galactose and fructose and is not absorbed in the small intestine but reaches the colon intact, where it is broken down by bacteria.

Key Features:

Laxative Action: Lactulose works by drawing water into the colon, softening the stool and promoting bowel movements. This makes it an effective solution for relieving constipation.

Osmotic Effect: The osmotic effect of lactulose helps to increase the water content and volume of the stool, making it easier to pass.

Prebiotic Properties: Lactulose acts as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon. This can contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.

Multiple Uses: Apart from treating constipation, lactulose solution may also be used in certain medical conditions like hepatic encephalopathy, where it helps reduce the accumulation of ammonia in the blood.

How to Use:

Dosage: The recommended dosage of lactulose solution varies based on individual needs and the specific condition being treated. It's important to follow the healthcare provider's instructions or the information provided on the product packaging.

Administration: Lactulose solution is usually taken orally, either directly or diluted with water or another beverage. The taste is often sweet.

Timing: The timing of administration may vary, and it's essential to follow the prescribed schedule for optimal effectiveness.

Response Time: The onset of action may take a day or more, and consistent use is necessary for maintaining regular bowel movements.


Individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies should inform their healthcare provider before using lactulose solution.
It is essential to stay adequately hydrated while using this laxative.

Why Use Lactulose Solution?

Effective Constipation Relief: Lactulose solution is widely recognized for its efficacy in treating constipation by softening stools and promoting regular bowel movements.

Gentle and Gradual Action: It provides a gentle and gradual effect, making it suitable for long-term use when needed.

Prebiotic Benefits: The prebiotic properties of lactulose contribute to a healthier gut environment.

Versatility: Apart from constipation, it can be used in specific medical conditions as directed by a healthcare professional.