400 Tips for your PC - Normand Bergeron





This book brings together more than 400 tips and tricks that will increase the speed and power of your computer and make it easier to use.


Are you getting by with Windows 98, Me or XP and want to know more? This book provides you with a multitude of practical advice and will help you discover functions of your computer that you didn't know you had. Whether for: • getting your computer to start faster • personalizing your menus • performing an efficient search for files • modifying your icons • creating shortcuts or accessing your files more quickly • closing several windows at the same time • increasing the capabilities of the Explorer software • and much more...


Pages: 178

Size: 12 x 20 cm

Editions: Broquet

Author: Normand Bergeron


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Are you getting by with Windows 98, Me or XP and want to know more? This book provides you with a multitude of practical advice and will help you discover functions of your computer that you didn't know you had. Whether for: • getting your computer to start faster • personalizing your menus • performing an efficient search for files • modifying your icons • creating shortcuts or accessing your files more quickly • closing several windows at the same time • increasing the capabilities of the Explorer software • and much more... These conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by Librairie Intercontinentale SA. with capital of 38,113 euros whose head office is at 07200 Aubenas 4 bis boulevard marechal Leclerc, registered in the Aubenas trade and company register under number 87B190 her