LOn July 13, 1842, the horses in his cabriolet ran away in the Sablons plain, the Duke of Orléans was thrown from his vehicle and died a few hours later. This accident had immediate consequences on his [INGRES] career, since the king [LOUIS-PHILIPPE], even before the end of this tragic month of July, asked Ingres the boxes of stained glass windows intended for a memorial chapel to be erected on the site of the tragedy and dedicated to Notre-Dame-de-la-Compassion (but more generally called Saint-Ferdinand chapel). "
Eveline Schlumberger

With 11 drawings in color and black and white (5 full page) and 21 full-page color photographs of the stained glass windows taken by Jacques HOEPFFNER.

This order, executed during the winter of 1842-1843, brought in the sum of fifteen thousand francs to Ingres on August 3, 1843.

-Ingres for its stained glass windows. To obey Louis-Philippe
-Letter from Ingres to Gilibert, October 1842

Illustrated cardboard (Saint Philip, detail)

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LOn July 13, 1842, the horses in his cabriolet ran away in the Sablons plain, the Duke of Orléans was thrown from his vehicle and died a few hours later. This accident had immediate consequences on his [INGRES] career, since the king [LOUIS-PHILIPPE], even before the end of this tragic month of July, asked Ingres the boxes of stained glass windows intended for a memorial chapel to be erected on the site of the tragedy and dedicated to Notre-Dame-de-la-Compassion (but more generally called Saint-Ferdinand chapel). " With 11 drawings in color and black and white (5 full page) and 21 full-page color photographs of the stained glass windows taken by Jacques HOEPFFNER. This order, executed during the winter of 1842-1843, brought in the sum of fifteen thousand francs to Ingres on August 3, 1843.