Made in USA
2 Bottles 120 Capsules 
 Promote Post Workout Recovery 
 Help Trigger Intense Vascularity
 Help Generate Muscle Density 
 Help Increase Endurance 
 Perpetual Pump 

Nitric OXIDE is an important substance for your cardiovascular and sexual health. Nitric oxide is a gas that relaxes and widens your blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow. Increasing production of Nitric oxide protects against cardiovascular problems and men's health. Arginine and citrulline are two amino acids that play vital roles in producing Nitric oxide. 
 Nitric oxide is an important signaling molecule composed of nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) found in many of the tissues in your body that are responsible for a multitude of functions including: regulating cell life & death, immune system response, neurotransmission, and nutrient transport.
Nitric Oxide Benefits
Nitric oxide is the body’s primary signaling molecule responsible for increasing blood flow, glucose uptake, oxygen delivery, power output and velocity. Due to the wide range of actions that N.O. performs it should come as no surprise that N.O. supplements have a diverse span of benefits in the body.
Greater Vasodilation
N.O.’s most well-known effect is acting as a potent vasodilator in the body. Basically, it causes blood vessels in the body to “relax”, thereby allowing more blood to flow to the surrounding muscles and tissues.  The result of increased blood flow to the muscles are more pronounced muscle pumps, increased vascularity.
Enhanced Oxygen and Nutrient Transport
Building off the first benefit, N.O. increases the amount of blood flow to the muscle tissues by forcing relaxation of the smooth muscle. This allows more oxygen delivery to get to the working muscles, and with it the blood also carries vital nutrients needed to fuel and repair.
Reduced Fatigue
Another thing that Nitric oxide can do is help combat fatigue. If you're finding that as your stamina is suffering midway through your workout, fatigue is the culprit.
When performing high-intensity exercises, such as weightlifting or sprinting, the body rapidly begins to run out of oxygen. When this occurs, lactic acid accumulates in the muscle, often felt as a burning sensation, with contributes to the onset of fatigue.
Fortunately, Nitric oxide boosting supplements can offset this fatigue. 
Faster Recovery
Nitric oxide increases blood flow to the muscles and surrounding tissues in the body. So, more blood flood means more nutrients are getting to your broken down muscles and at faster pace, helping you recover faster. Quicker recovery between sessions means you can train more frequently which leads to better results in terms of strength and lean mass gains!
Improved Glucose Utilization
One study conducted by the American Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism looked at the effects L-Arginine (a N.O. precursor) on glucose metabolism during exercise. The athletes who given L-Arginine had a significantly higher rate of glucose appearance, disappearance, and clearance. This clearly shows that boosting N.O. levels can improve the body’s uptake and utilization of glucose, making sure it gets to your muscles to perform work instead of being stored as fat.
Cardiovascular problems are of the top health problems facing adults today. As mentioned above, N.O. is a potent vasodilator in the body, which has the added bonus of relaxing the smooth muscles of the heart. This relaxation causes a reduction in blood pressure levels in the body and confers the cardioprotective benefits attributed to N.O. 
Natural L-Arginine Supplement
As we age, the ability of our bodies to produce nitric oxide decreases to levels of nearly half of what they were as young adults. Therefore it is important to have sufficient amounts of arginine in a diet. Arginine is the primary producer and stabilizer of nitric oxide. In combination with citrulline, or antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, sufficient levels can easily be supplied.

More Nitric Oxide Benefits
Nitric oxide is known to significantly protect the liver from damage. 
Nitric oxide also protects against other forms of intestinal inflammation. Supplementing a nitric oxide precursor, such as L-arginine, promotes vascular cell function in intestinal inflammation.
As a signaling molecule, the effects of nitric oxide as a neurotransmitter are interesting. Neurotransmission is the process where the nervous system transmits electrical or chemical signals from neurons (nerve cells) to each other, controlling physiological and pathological process. With improved communication between neurons, the immune system becomes more effective. It was stated that blood flow increase from nitric oxide enhances the senses. So does better neurotransmission. In a way, ensuring sufficient nitric oxide is produced can help anyone feel more human.
Another organ which benefits from the coupling of improved blood flow and neurotransmission is the brain. When nerves stimulate parts of the body, they do this by releasing a chemical. In the brain, this chemical is nitric oxide. Therefore, having the ability to produce enough of it can facilitate memory and learning.
Nitric oxide was proved to enhance computational abilities in the brain. L-arginine supplements are suggested to significantly improve age-related problems in the brain.  
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 3 Capsules 
Servings Per Container:                    
                                                                                                 Amount Per Serving                          %Daily Value 
L-Arginine Blend (per 3 capsules)                                                     2400 Mg                               %Daily Value not established.
 A-AKG (arginine alpha-ketoglutarate)
 A-KIC (arginine ketoisocaporate)
 OKG (ornithine alpha ketoglutarate) 
 GKG (glutamine alpha-ketoglutarate
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Magnesium Stearate, di-Calcium Phosphate, Cellulose and Stearic Acid. 
CONTAINS: No Yeast, No Starch, No Artificial Colors, or Preservatives

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules before working out and 3 capsules after working out, no more than 6 capsules a day. 
CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.
These   statements  have   not  been evaluated  by the  Food and  Drug  Administration.  This  product  is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.