With High Concentrated Caprylic Acid
Accelerate Ketosis
Energy Management

1 Bottle 120 Liquid Capsules


Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are composed of medium-chain fatty acids.MCTs were developed as byproducts of coconut oil production in the 1950s, and research into their applications began. MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) oil is a liquid oil manufactured through the esterification of glycerol using medium-chain fatty acids isolated from natural sources (Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, or a combination of the two). This oil is a lightweight and nourishing oil that exhibits unique sensory and chemical characteristics. It is colorless with a mild characteristic odor and remains in a liquid state at room temperature, making it highly convenient to use. It also shows high oxidation resistance.

Extraction method

MCT oil can be made from either Coconut or Palm Oil, as they are both rich sources of the required medium-chain fatty acids. Crude coconut oil or palm oil has to undergo undergoes hydrolysis, which essentially separates the fatty acids from the glycerol 'backbone' within their fat compounds. The fatty acids are separated at their boiling points through fractional distillation. As medium-chain fatty acids have lower boiling points than long-chain fatty acids, they can be collected by heating and allowing to cool at appropriate temperatures. Once these medium-chain fatty acids are isolated, they are combined with glycerol once again to form Medium-Chain Triglycerides in a process known as esterification. Finally, filtering and deodorization take place to clean and improve the sensorial characteristics of the resulting MCT Oil.

Besides MCT Oil’s potential as an energy source, this product has a vast array of several other benefits, including:

Weight Loss: MCT Oil is lower in calorie count than long-chain fats, is rarely stored as fat, and helps to curb appetite, making for a powerful weight loss aid.

Better Gut Health: MCT Oil is a natural pills that can help to balance bad environment in the gut.

Better Overal Health: MCT Oil can reduce the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood. 

Better Brain Health: MCT Oil’s ketones serve as an efficient energy source for the brain and can help improve cognitive function.

MCT Oil Benefits & Composition

MCT became popular in sports as a substitute for normal dietary fats or oils. It became a favorite energy source for many athletes, such as marathon runners, who participate in endurance sports. The athletes need a quick source of energy, which is readily supplied by carbohydrates. MCT is also a form of fat; therefore, it is high in calories. Yet, unlike normal fats and oils, MCTs do not cause weight gain because they stimulate thermogenesis. MCT oil is uniquely customized chemical make-up that's why it displays wide-ranging benefits that relate to its appealing sensory and physicochemical characteristics. The main chemical constituents are responsible for these characteristics are Caprylic Acid (C8) and Capric Acid (C10). 


In short, MCT Oil is medium-chain fat that is more easily absorbed into the body than long-chain fats due to medium-chain fat's lower carbon count. MCT Oil's primary benefit is its potential as an energy source from ketone production in the liver. Ketones serve as a secondary energy source to the brain in the absence of glucose and are only produced when there is a shortage of carbohydrates in the body. MCT Oil can be found in natural sources, such as coconut oil and palm oil, or in a concentrated oil format made via the process of fragmentation. The concentrated oil is very versatile as it is odorless and tasteless so it can be used in just about anything. 

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 4 Liquid capsules
Servings Per Container: 30

Medium Chain Triglycerides (from palm oil) 3000 mg
Typically Providing: 

Caprylic Acid 1652 mg *
Capric Acid 1052 mg *

Other ingredients: Gelatin (bovine) and vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl acetate).
Non-GMO Formula!

SUGGESTED USE: 4 capsules daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.

mct oil pills keto - MCT OIL PREMIUM 3000MG - keto pills, weight loss- 1 Bottle