Natural Weight Loss
Energy Booster
Fat Burner



For centuries, tribesmen from the villages of Nigeria and Cameroon in West Africa have been using the seeds of Irvingia Gabonensis, also known as African Mango, for its potent health benefits. The African Mango, an exotic brightly colored tropical fruit, differs from other mangos because it produces a peculiar seed which the natives of Cameroon call the Dika nut. For centuries, tribesmen from the villages of Nigeria and Cameroon in West Africa have been using the seeds of Irvingia Gabonensis, also known as African Mango, for its potent health benefits. The African Mango, an exotic brightly colored tropical fruit, differs from other mangos because it produces a peculiar seed which the natives of Cameroon call the Dika nut. All parts of the African mango tree are used for a variety of purposes. African mango seeds have high amounts of soluble fiber.

Health Benefits of African Mango

A comprehensive meta-analysis on Irvingia gabonensis found this fruit could be a potential to aid in weight loss. The Irvingia gabonensis extract is rich in fiber, which can help your digestive system function properly and keep you feeling fuller longer and thereby, eating less. African mango is among many popular supplements marketed to boost weight loss. African mango is a vitamin-C-rich, mango-like fruit native to tropical Africa with a history of use in traditional healthcare. Extract from the seed of African mango has risen in popularity in the West as a weight loss supplement.

Keep Your Stomach Full

High levels of soluble fiber can be found in the African mango extract. The fiber takes a while to leave the stomach and postpones stomach emptying, which reduces hunger. When calorie intake is reduced, the body uses its fat reserves as a source of energy, which causes weight loss. African mango extract promotes fat burning in the body. The body's internal temperature rises during the process of thermogenesis. As a result, more body fat is burned off without reducing strength and muscular mass. The African mango extract, which has become a new weight-loss mantra, is what makes it so popular. The product promises to make it simple to lose those extra pounds and is packed with nutrients.

Weight Loss Benefits

African mango extracts may reduce cell growth and change the expression of leptin in fat cells. Leptin is a hormone involved in appetite and energy balance. This might explain the potential role of African mango supplements in weight loss. The pace at which body fat is burned is known as the metabolic rate. Slow metabolism is common in obese people, which causes fat to build up over time.  The body burns fat more quickly as a result of increased metabolic activity. The body starts to lose weight as soon as the number of calories burned exceeds the number of calories absorbed.

Supplies Energy

African mangoes are loaded with nutrients. It gives the body the nutrition it needs to stay energetic and flexible throughout the day. When someone is feeling energized, they engage in frequent exercise to avoid inactive behaviors. A healthy body weight is based on changing one's lifestyle behaviors. Weight increase is directly correlated with calorie intake. Additionally, the body's leptin hormone levels regulate our hunger. The leptin hormone, which tells the brain when to quit eating, is less sensitive in obese people. As a result, obese individuals eat far more than what their bodies actually need. However, African mango extract aids in the production and control of leptin, which reduces appetite.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
African Mango (4:1 extract) 1000 mg *
(Irvingia gabonensis) (seed)

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Rice our, gelatin 
(bovine), and vegetable magnesium stearate

SUGGESTED USE: 2 capsules taken 1 to 2 times 
daily preferably with meals or as directed by a 
healthcare professional. This product should be 
used in conjunction with a sensible diet and 

organic african mango supplement - AFRICAN MANGO EXTRACT 1000mg - Weight loss -3