A1 Zero Gravity Title Match
Alessandro Del Bruno (w/Jade Chung) (c) vs. Mike Bailey
Singles Match
Ethan Page vs. Cheeseburger
A1 Tag Team Title Match
Theory Of Evolution (Jim Nye & The Space Monkey) (c) vs. Le Tabarnak de Team (Mathieu St-Jacques & Thomas Dubois)
Singles Match
Dick Justice vs. Danny Orlando
King Of Hearts 2016 Tournament Qualifying Match
Cheech, Gavin Quinn & Justin Sane vs. Alex Daniels, Brent Banks & Rickey Shane Page
Singles Match
David Starr vs. Kobe Durst
A1 Alpha Male Title Three Way Match
Heidi Lovelace (c) vs. Seleziya Sparx vs. Veda Scott
Tag Team Match
Josh Alexander & Kobe Durst (w/Joey Kings) vs. Ethan Page & Scotty O'Shea