When BBC’s Planet Earth appeared on television screens worldwide in 2006 it transformed how viewers saw their planet. Capturing a global audience of over half a billion people it gave an unprecedented view of life on Earth. A decade later this fascinating subject has been revisited, filmed with new and enhanced technology, which allows us to witness the natural world from an even greater perspective.

Narrated by Sir David Attenborough, this stunning ultra-high definition series is complemented by a powerful main theme, which reflects nature in all its awesome power. Scored by none other than Hans Zimmer, along with Jacob Shea and Jasha Klebe from The Bleeding Fingers Music.

Disc 1

01 Planet Earth II Suite


02 The Sloth
03 Home To Dragons
04 Albatross Dance
05 Razor Snakes vs Iguanas
06 Chinstrap Penguins


07 Singing Indri
08 Competing Hummingbirds
09 Life In The Canopy
10 Jungle Weather
11 Night Crawlers
12 World of Bioluminescence
13 Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise
14 Something Worth Protecting


15 Life Without Water
16 Monsoon Deserts/Canyonlands
17 Lions vs Giraffe
18 The Butcher Bird
19 Wild Horses
20 Desert Nightlife/Golden Mole
21 Long-Eared Bat vs Scorpion
22 Early Morning Fog

Disc 2


01 Roof Of The World
02 Peaks of North America
03 The Ibex
04 The Himalayas
05 Flight Over Alps
06 Ice Skating Flamingos
07 Dancing Bears
08 Tenacious Bobcat
09 Garden of Ice
10 Snow Leopards
11 Savage Beauty


12 Nomadic Life
13 Hunting Buffalo Herds
14 The Okavango
15 Carmine Bee Eaters
16 Industrious Insects
17 The Great Migration


18 The Unnatural Habitat
19 Langurs of Jodhpur
20 Temple Gardens
21 Market Thieves
22 Illuminated
23 City Skylines
24 Starlings
25 Toronto Raccoons
26 We Are The Designers
27 Epilogue