This is an opportunity to own a nice looking Behringer Ultra-Curve Pro DSP8024 Digital 24-Bit Dual DSP Mainframe Equalizer.  It looks good, showing minor rack rash on top.  However, upon powering up, the screen is missing some pixels as you can see in the photos. I have tested the buttons and they still work as shown on the screen. I am not sure how to fully test this unit. All other units from this particular system purchased worked, so I think there is a good chance it does. I just am not certain.  The screens on these are problematic. I have owned two that the screen went out on before. It has spent its life in a pet free, smoke free, temperature controlled environment and was not toured.  I have used this model before and it is a nice piece to have. This will be a great addition to the right person's setup! 

      Please check out my other items.  This will be carefully packaged for safe transport to you.    Thank you for looking and God bless.