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What type of information will I find in my BMW online service history?

In your BMW online service history, you can expect to find a range of information related to the maintenance and servicing of your vehicle. The specifics could change based on the features and capabilities of the online service history platform provided by BMW. Here are some common types of information you may find:

Service Records: The online service history will typically include a record of all the service visits your vehicle has undergone at authorized BMW service centers. It will detail the dates of service, the specific services performed, and any parts replaced or repaired. This record aids in maintaining the maintenance history of your vehicle.

Maintenance Schedule: The online service history may provide a recommended maintenance schedule for your specific BMW model. This schedule outlines the intervals at which various maintenance tasks should be performed, such as oil changes, filter replacements, brake inspections, and more. It aids you in maintaining the regular maintenance needs of your vehicle.

Warranty Information: The online service history might include warranty-related information if your BMW is still under warranty. This can include details about the warranty duration, coverage limits, and any warranty-related services or fixes made to your car.

Recall and Campaign Notices: The online service history may notify you of any recalls or service campaigns specific to your vehicle. This information is crucial since it guarantees you are aware of any potential safety issues or necessary repairs that BMW has identified for your model.

Vehicle Health Check: Some online service history platforms provide a function enabling you to view vehicle health check results. This check provides an overview of your vehicle’s overall condition, including diagnostic information and any potential issues detected by the system.

Additional Features: Depending on the specific online service history platform, you may find additional features such as appointment scheduling, service reminders, vehicle manuals, and access to personalized offers or promotions.

It’s worth noting that the availability and level of detail in your BMW online service history may vary depending on the country you are in and the specific services offered by BMW in your region. To obtain the most precise and comprehensive information, it’s recommended to consult the official BMW website or contact your local BMW dealership or customer service for specific details about the online service history provided for your vehicle.