Set of 9 Solfeggio tuning forks for chakra healing, sound therapy, maintaining body, mind, and spirit in perfect harmony. Additionally, a resonance box serves as a stand.

Everything as shown in the pictures.

New. Homemade. My own design. I have only one piece.

Yoga chakra tuning forks (Solfeggio model: F174, F285, UT396, RE417, MI528, SOL639, FA741, LA852, F963).

A set of 9 Solfeggio tuning forks in a resonance box, which also acts as a stand, allowing you to quickly retrieve and store the tuning forks after use. Rubber bands adjust the depth of the tuning forks in the box, offering various applications, such as placing a container of water inside box and placing end of tuning fork in water.

The box accommodates various items for cleansing, harmonizing, and filling with positive vibrations. It's large enough to fit a 0.5L water bottle and is perfect for storing affirmations, manifestations, photos, crystals, and mystical items.

The decorative stand-box, due to its design, functions as a resonance box. However, the power is slightly reduced as the tuning forks extend beyond the lid's surface. This design allows for alternative uses, like the mentioned water energization. The through-hole design allows for the use of other custom tuning forks.

Note: When striking the tuning fork, hold it firmly with your fingers to ensure a stable strike. You  can also strike it well and then put it quicly on its place. The resulting resonance may differ, but the frequency remains consistent, aligning with the tuning fork's vibration.

The set includes a practical carrying case, an activation mallet, and a cleaning cloth. All items fit into a compact box secured with a strong latch for transportation.

Additionally, various rubber pads are included for those who wish to use their own tuning forks, and a small surprise gift is included.

This unique product is not available elsewhere online.

Package Contents:

1 resonance box/stand

9 chakra tuning forks - Yoga chakra tuning forks (Solfeggio model: F174, F285, UT396, RE417, MI528, SOL639, FA741, LA852, F963).

1 activation mallet

1 cleaning cloth

1 set of rubber pads (for each tuning fork)

1 additional set of spare rubber pads

1 small surprise gift :)

1 carrying bag for the entire tuning fork set


Additional rubber pads and a surprise gift :)

Upon request, I can provide an invoice. If interested, please provide invoice details.
