1723 History of SPAIN Espagna Juan Mariana Charles V Philip IV Portraits 9v SET


Juan de Mariana was a 16th-century Spanish Jesuit historian who is primarily remembered for his ‘History of Spain’ – a work focusing heavily on the reigns of Charles V and Philip IV. While the majority of this work focuses on the reigns of eminent Spanish kings, Mariana describes the earliest times in Spain and the growth of Spain through the centuries. Interestingly, Mariana features portrait engravings of Spanish kings which make this book highly desirable. This nine-volume edition was published in 1723.


Item number: #24160

Price: $950


MARIANA, Juan de


Histoire générale d'Espagne depuis le commencement de la monarchie jusqu'à présent, tirée de Mariana et des auteurs les plus célèbres


Paris: T. Le Gras, 1723.


·       Collation: Complete with all pages; 9 volumes

o   Each volume separately paginated

o   47 engravings

·       References: De Backer/Sommervogel V, 551

·       Language: French

·       Binding: Leather; tight and secure

·       Size: ~6.5in X 4in (16.5cm x 10cm)


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