Enhance your chess skills with this amazing DVD collection from ChessBase. Featuring the brand's top-tier FritzTrainer, this collection includes a powerful database and a variety of chess exercises to help you master the game. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, this ChessBase DVD Collection has something for you.With its intuitive interface and comprehensive tools, ChessBase is the go-to software for chess enthusiasts. This DVD collection includes a variety of formats, including DVD and software, and is perfect for those interested in honing their chess skills in a fun and engaging way. So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on this ChessBase DVD Collection today and take your chess game to the next level!

Condition: DVD boxes are in excellent condition, but sold as-is as I do not have the time to test each DVD. Unsure about any licenses that are needed for any of these, as I used them 2 decades ago at school when I was studying chess in my spare time. Some of these are very hard to find, such as the PowerBook or Nalimov Tablebases, and of course all the trainers.
Info: Everything is from my private collection, and are handled with care and will be packaged excellently. If you have any questions please let me know!

Shipping with Tracking:
USA & CAN $30

Please wait for me to send the tracking, and hope you enjoy the chess studying! These DVDs got me to 2200 FIDE strength.