Up for sale is an 8oz bag of drywasher concentrates.

I run 20 buckets or so through my drywasher and then I will clean it out. This clean out dirt is what you will be purchasing and you will find gold. Silver, platinum, galena, electrum, and all sorts of other precious metals and gemstones have been found in this material as well.

This material is unsearched, unaltered, and has not had anything added to or taken from it.

I never create artificial paydirt by adding gold to it like most sellers do. I simply do all the prospecting and processing myself by hand.

I dig up only the good stuff.

I sample often.

I'm not going to break my back digging and gathering materials if it doesn't  consistently contain nice gold.

I have been prospecting long enough to know the materials I gather, and the only materials I gather (with the exception of sampling new locations & prospects) are well worth gathering. Because I alone bring my paydirt to you, from locating values to first shovel of dirt to attaching postage, and with more sample pans panned out in between than 75% of people will do in their life, its easy for me to say I can guarantee the paydirt you purchase will contain gold.

I have lots of different equipment, and my methods for concentrating materials vary, but I always end up with shiny results.

I only sell material that I personally have dug by hand with a pick & shovel, sampled, collected, sometimes concentrated,  and sampled again.

The gold you WILL find is all naturally occuring and has never been seen or touched by anyone since its arrival on earth.

You are the discoverer of it, and it is truly and only yours!

Lots of fun to pan and play with. If you don’t already have it, you’re sure to catch gold fever!