(NOTE: I was unsure how to best position the diamonds as left and right when viewing the pair, so the first and last photos show them both ways. That said, you should get the idea) From a Catalina Foothills estate in Tucson and is this vintage pair of ALS Italy 18K yellow gold and sterling silver cable style hoop earrings with omega back fittings. The well cast I believe 1980's or so ornaments showcase skilled artisanal bench work, with a total of ten (10) round diamonds inset to their generous gold elements for additional bling. They have the appropriate  aesthetic and "look" for those with upscale inclinations and a refined eye - pretty much every bit of what you want for any occasion. There is "925 (in oval) / ITALY / ALS / 18K" to a silver plaque on the back of each earring. There is further "750 (in a truncated diamond as proper)" to the gold posts, and another "925 (in oval)" to the base of each omega fitting. Put another way, they are well marked. Weight is exceedingly good for the form at about 13.4 total grams on my portable digital scale. Condition is quite fine with a subtle aura of time to the gold and silver surfaces as seen in the pics.  Be aware I have avoided every urge to refresh away or "improve" upon any natural toning - you want that done you do it.  The gold and diamond look great - the silver omega clips and gold post wires work exactly as they should. All typical and expected minor signs of previous service are here simply validate a gentle history. A look at the pics should give a good idea of appearance and condition - a really beautiful pair of dare I say classic post modern Italian ear adornments. Size  is about 1 in. (about 25mm) vertical and 3/8 in. (9.5mm) horizontal - yes, they will be noticed. If you prefer vintage for value in support of champagne taste, or simply wish a immediate improvement to the ambiance of each day, these will have great meaning for you

inkfrog terapeak