3 Arundina Graminifolia BAMBOO ORCHID Live Organic Plant Rare Stems Roots

Select a suitable pot: 

Use a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Orchids prefer small pots that allow their roots to snugly fit.

Prepare potting mix:

Use a well-draining orchid mix or make your own with materials like bark, perlite, and charcoal.

Repot carefully:

Gently remove the orchid from its current pot, being careful not to damage the roots. Trim away any dead or rotten roots.

Place orchid in new pot:

 Position the orchid in the centre of the pot, ensuring that the roots are spread out evenly.

Add potting mix: 

Fill the pot with the prepared orchid mix, making sure the roots are covered but the base of the plant isn't buried too deeply.

Water properly: 

Water the orchid thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain away. Avoid leaving the orchid sitting in standing water.

Provide appropriate light and temperature: 

Orchids typically prefer bright, indirect light and temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). Avoid placing them in direct sunlight or near drafts.

Monitor and care:

 Keep an eye on your orchid, watering when the potting mix feels dry and fertilising regularly with a balanced orchid fertiliser.