Newberry Academy - developing curriculum for 20 years, now you too can use this with your children. Print it out as you need.

You will receive a digital PDF file that you will print out as needed. 

This is a 40 week planner to prepare your year-old for the upcoming preschool lessons required for entry into Kindergarten.  

I don’t have daily plans, but rather weekly planners that will help keep us on track, but not be so rigid each day.  As long as by the end of the week, most or all of what was planned gets done – that is great.  

I also have 2-year-old curriculum available that this 3-year-old planner builds off of.  Item # 305331367338

What Should My 3-Year Old Learn?

Language and Communication:

Talks in sentences with at least two back-and-forth exchanges.

Asks questions like “who,” “what,” “where,” or “why.”

Describes actions happening in pictures or books.

Says their first name when asked.

Speaks clearly enough for others to understand most of the time.

Cognitive Skills (Learning and Thinking):

Draws a circle when shown how.

Avoids touching hot objects when warned.

Sorts objects based on characteristics like size, shape, or color.

Count to 20

Social and Emotional Development:

Calms down within 10 minutes after being left (e.g., at childcare drop-off).

Notices other children and joins them in play.

Begins to understand sharing and cooperation.

Develops imaginative play and they may have an imaginary friend

Physical Development:

Strings items together (e.g., large beads or macaroni).

Puts on some clothes independently (e.g., loose pants or a jacket).

Uses a fork for eating.

After paying for this item, send me an email with your email address so I can send you this digital PDF file to begin.