To start off, this guitar is being sold as is for parts or repair, no returns. It needs some kind of work and a setup to get it back to better playing condition. It seems to play fine all the way up until the 11th/12th fret, then some of the frets buzz out/don’t play and some of the frets do. This guitar has lots of scratches, indentions and finish checking. To my understanding, all of the finish checking is just in the finish and not in the wood. Please look at all the pictures to know the condition of this guitar better. I tried to take the max number of photos as I could to show the condition. This guitar is being sold as is, for parts or repair, since I don’t know the work/repairs that need to be done to it. This is a rare hard to find guitar and it also comes with the original hard case. The hard case has wear but works good as it should. Choose the best shipping option for your region, we have multiple options to choose from.