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Please pardon this redundant introduction to my auctions, but the eBay experience dictates that I include it.........


Folks, thanks to eBaythere is almost no such thing as rare anymore... except for the more esoteric stuff that was rare even when new 50 years ago... or even like a 2013 Bugatti Veyron!

99% of cameras you see on eBay are NOT rare ! WHAT IS RARE a 70 to 50 year old camera that is functioning properly, not just as a decoration, or worse... a fleamarket orphan!


Please read the Description carefully and completely to fully understand what you are buying!!



 Please note, I often use the same of similar descriptions for like camera models, changing only those points particular to the specific item in the auction. , there is little need to reinvent ( or retype ) the wheel for each new !! Thanks for understanding.




On offer is a REALLY nice & " in THIS CONDITION,"  super rare  camera I come across every once in a great while... and can't resist because... it is such a unique, well built - well balanced - and an excellent performing folder, and therefore have had this one  in my personal collection. This one is a mid 1930's Ebner

The following I took from Wikipedia ....

Albert Ebner & Co. were a German record-player manufacturer based in Stuttgart - Vaihingen, who also made elegant folding cameras from Bakelite. The Ebner was made in two sizes, 4.5×6cm and 6×9cm and were available in black or brown. The cameras varied in complexity, some with simple three-speed Pronto shutters, some with multi-speed Compur items. McKeown lists several lens/shutter combinations for both sizes.[1] The 4.5×6 model used 620 film, the 6×9 model used 120 film or 620 film.

The company went out of business in 1935. The cameras seem to have mostly sold in Germany.

It is a very basic and simple camera for 120 / 620 film. Shutter is the  high end offering for the EBNER... a Compur with a full compliment of shutter speeds as well as B  T settings. Shutter has of course been CLA'd and is NOW running properly!! 


This Ebner carries an excellent Ebner Meyer-Goerlitz Trioplan  f4.5 / 7.5cm  lens. Though  a three element lens configuration, it is  an excellent performer... especially if  recreating the dreamy portrait type photos of the 1930s ... and with modern films, an even better performer today than 90 years ago !!!  Lens is super Clean and clear. ( should have wiped the lens clean before taking photos ... dang !!  clean of dust NOW !!)


Overall, though now about 90 years old,  this EBNER is in excellent condition. The "real" LEATHER bellows is also in excellent , and subtle condition... it is still "exceptional"... even to the touch ! The chrome trim is nice .... Basically a good looking, solid classic 6x4.5 folder camera.  I will supply the camera with one 120 and one 620 reel.

The camera does have one flaw !!! The viewfinder is a folding type. A rectangle front is pulled up into position and then an " aiming post " ( ??!! ) is erected, as seen on my 6x9 Ebner listing. However, the " aiming post " on this Ebner has sometine in its long history, been broken off. All we're left with is the front frame viewfinder.

 One quick open the camera, press the center top button ! Tclose this camera, you gently press the front of the focusing rail in towards the body – struts then collapse and allow the lens and bellows to fold.

Again, this is a fully functional classic 1930's 6x4.5 folder that EASILY slips into a jeans pocket.

 HOWEVER,  this EBNER must be sold first more as a curio / collector piece than as an active shooter.   Again, I personally think it would still function perfectly in its roll as a camera !!


The point is, that everything works properly... after its CLA.


Simply a exceptional camera, extremely competent to take photos with,... ...and is among the smallest and most interesting / unique folders available....

As always, since verbal descriptions, however well intentioned, contain the viewpoints and prejudices of the seller,  it is importsant for you to study the listing and photos carefully to discern cosmetic condition for yourself.


Thanks for looking and Have a Great Day!!



 In my auctions, “ what you see is what you get  EXCEPT FOR OBVIOUS PROPS ! ).  I may sometimes err on descriptions, but I always post the pictures of the item up for auction. Also, please note 99.99% of the items I sell are used  - and VERY OLD - that means they are not new, they will show signs of previous ownership and use. Anything that is not at least excellent ++ ( and that means "nice. I wouldn't mind having that!" ), I will either not sell or clearly state that it is not "pretty," shows scratches, etc. If your intent is to find a NEW item that is 20 - 40 years old, please don't hassle me about something so trivial as fingerprints or rub marks that naturally come from handling an item.

To cut to the chase, if you want a new 20 - 69 years old item for you to look at on your display shelf...DO NOT BID!!

For more information on folding cameras, please go to my website  certo6 . I do warrant my folders with a repair or replace policy. As these cameras are almost all 50 years or more old, they of course cannot be guaranteed... they are old, used, and stuff goes wrong...its that simple. However, out of courtesy, if a folder I sell needs further service (within a reasonable time of course!), just send it back and I'll take care of it.
Unless REALLY unusual circumstances, like War, Pestilence, Nuclear Holocaust, or the like...  I do not give is
replace or repair only! For all other types ( non folding ) of cameras / items (they are all used!), I can only take responsibility for my description while the item was in my hands, not their continued longevity. 


My first and foremost mission has been to renovate these old classic cameras for a new generation of USERS / PHOTOGRAPHERS.... NOT for "collectors" to salivate over a "NEW" 70+ year old camera!

 However, I too am infallible and if there should be a problem with your camera, please contact me before you leave a malicious ( there are NO OTHER KINDS ) negative feedback.
People still email me to ask about fungus, mold, or what not on the lens... I throw such lenses away...I do NOT sell them on eBay!  Some may question why my classic folding cameras cost more ( set reserve ) than the same ( Well, not really ) camera that sells on eBay or the local yard sale for $20! Basically, to repeat...
I don't just take the yard sale folder , rush home and put it on eBay. About 20% I will simply throw away ( most of those bought off eBay ) or just use for parts, because they are pure junk...and the rest are literally renovated and prepared for their next owner who can now use it to actually take pictures instead of moaning about being ripped off again. So, obviously, my reserve has to be higher than the "junkyard dog" that is the too often offering on eBay.  About 90% of reserve reflects cost, labor, and materials to renovate or CLA a folder.  It's really that simple.  
For those who didn't know, eBay does not provide a free service... they make plenty of money from each of my, and millions of others, on this web site. My average listing costs are from $11. to $55. per item... depending of final sale price of course. But, just to list an item costs between $3. to $7 dollars, even if it doesn't sell! So, please, do not ask me for free shipping just because you did the Buy it Now thingy!!!  eBay does not give me a break because you bought it "Now!" ( In fact every now and again I get a call from eBay telling me they'll give me special rates if I offer free shipping... when I tell them what my real shipping costs are, they are dumbfounded... they must think everybody on eBay sells baseball cards that ship for .44cents to Podunk, Alaska !!!


Please note, contrary to eBay’s wishes, I simply can’t afford to offer free shipping on all my offerings. However, as it turns out, I subsidize most of my shipping costs by about 10 to 20% out of pocket anyway!!


… and 95% of the time I ship within one day as payment is received.


Shipping & Handling to be paid by winning bidder, insurance included.