See (2019-2022) HD Subtitles


Season 1: 2 DVD 

Season 2: 2 DVD 

Season 3: 2 DVD

See 1 synopsis

The series is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopia in the distant future where humanity's descendants have lost their sense of sight, and the ability to see is considered to be a myth. The plot is set in motion by the birth of twin-sighted children in a mountain tribe.

See 2 synopsis

Synopsis. In season two, Baba Voss is fighting to reunite his torn-apart family and get away from the war and politics that surround him, but the more he moves away, the deeper he gets sucked in, and the emergence of his nemesis brother threatens his family even more.

See 3 synopsis

Baba embraces life in the mountains as hatred for the sighted grows in Pennsa; a Trivantian scientist develops a terrifying new weapon. Content collapsed. Watch Out for Wolves. After a devastating loss, Baba heads to Pennsa to warn his family; Maghra debates the Witchfinders' fate; Wren stages a daring escape.