Haunts RPG Sourcebook For Wraith The Oblivion Roleplaying Game

This paperback RPG is in very good condition, the plastic is starting to come off the very top.

Shrouded from Mortal Eyes...

Since the world began, certain places have been claimed by death, whispered by the Quick to be sites of terrors unimaginable. It is said that in these places the Shroud between the worlds of the Quick and the Dead grow thin, allowing ghostly forms to manifest as they will.

The Dance of Death Goes On!

From Portugal to Providence, the Restless have laid claim to those areas stained with the pain of death. For in those forlorn spots, they are able to touch - if only for an instant - the world of the Living, once thought lost to them. The Quick hide in terror from the sights glimpsed within these Haunts, knowing that in those places, the powers of Death reign supreme.

Haunts is a sourcebook for Wraith: the Oblivion detailing the strongholds of the Restless.

Eight Haunts throughout the Shadowlands, including Hierarchy, Heretic and Renegade Haunts; Two all-new cults of Heretics, both pursuing Transcendence in their own way; And guidelines for how to create Haunts for your own chronicle!