Thank you for your Purchase!

We strive to do our best to package, ship your item quickly and provide you with the best possible service.  We want you to come back to buy from us over and over.

We have found that providing feedback to you once you’ve received your item and it meets your expectations is the best time to provide it.  We want your business with us to go smoothly.

We need your help to assure you’re happy.  Once you receive your item, please review it.  If everything is as you expect it, GREAT!, we’ve done our job, please leave us POSITIVE FEEDBACK!.  Once you do you will automatically receive POSITIVE FEEDBACK.  If there’s a problem with your item, message us.  We will fix it to your satisfaction so you’ll feel comfortable leaving us positive feedback.

We do this to assure us we can make good on our promises.  

Thank You,

Due to the extreme number of Lowball offers, Effective immediately we will no longer respond to those offers.  Unfortunately some so called buyers are sending offers at 30,40,50 % below market value.  
They are the Hail Mary offers.
We ask serious buyers to consider doing research prior to making offers.