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The Wreck of the Racehorse, by Brian King

Book published by Loaghtan in 2024, 84 pages. Paperback - c.21cm by 29.5cm (N8595PE)

From the rear side cover: In the scheme of things, wrecks are wrong. Ships should be forging out exploring the oceans. Or carrying cargo between lands. Or harvesting fish. At the very least they should be floating and not grounded. Perhaps this is why so many of us find wrecks fascinating. It may be because they are mute witnesses to great heroism (and occasionally great idiocy), or provide an insight into the lives of those who crewed them. Some of us may find the maritime history fascinating, or like the fact that wrecks often provide useful homes for marine life. Of course, not all ships which founder, stay down. Many are refloated to sail again. The waters around the Isle of Man are notoriously tricky, so much so that what became the RNLI was founded here. A book of wrecks in Manx waters could never be comprehensive, but this provides an illustrated cross section of the tragedies and triumphs of riding the waves.

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