I present a mighty 2,000-year-old Genie of Unimaginable Power, known far and wide for his Knowledge of The Old Ways and his Unmatched Powers and Gifts! This All-Mighty Genie has the Power to grant your every wish and obey your every command! He has strong Psychic Powers and will show you the Past, Present, and Future! See where different paths will lead you and be sure in your Life Choices! This Loyal Djinn has been by my side since I was a very young man. He Sees All, Knows All and Controls All! There is no level of awareness and foresight you will not attain while commanding his Powers and Vision! Just holding his vessel, you will feel the energy travel from your fingertips deeply into your mind! Visions will immediately appear as you summon this Djinn’s powers.

The Noble Spirit's Sacred Vessel is a Silver Hematite Stone of constantly shifting colors, radiating with the Djinn's astounding energy. The shimmering stone is fashioned into a 3" x 1" pendant. It has a sterling silver bail, and will arrive with a blessed silver chain. 

This Genie has Never Failed Me! He has shown me Clear Visions of Future Opportunities for Wealth and the Surest Path to Success! With this Psychic Spirit you can see loved ones and enemies wherever they may be! He is very respectful and has obeyed my every command without question and granted every wish! Ask anything of him! Wealth, Love, Sex, Prosperity, Success, Good Fortune, Riches, Money, Happiness, Freedom, Protection, Safety! He is Loyal and Completely Devoted to his Mortal Companion's Well-Being, Success, and Happiness! I will provide this Elder Genie’s name and conjuring instructions to his next Master only! Hurry! Make Him Yours before he's making someone else's Dreams Come True!