At last, we have start making excellent reproductions of countless variations of US ww2 patches. We're fed up with companies making absolute crap, with no care and attention to how things actually look and how they are made. Frankly, the hobby deserves better, MUCH better. So our attention to detail is excellent, just compare them to originals. Simple, you decide if they are good enough or not.

As the biggest win for us all are the prices we'll be setting. These will be kept to a minimum, sure, ebay fees and postage will need to be covered, as well as packing etc let us help keep this hobby at a sensible price for high quality items, there is no more cost in making excellent reproductions over total crap, so why should the price be any higher?

Last photo shows a selection of our patches... there will be so many more

Any question you can always refer to our website. MissDrop44