Lot of 20 CBS SOUND LIBRARY Sound Effects/Natural Sounds/SAMPLES RARE! LPs. Condition is Used.

Amazing collection from a former DJ...

Transportation atmospheres Boeing 747 interiors Douglas dc-9 Interiors automotive interior 1969 Chevy New York Subway railroad sounds crowds and background chatter theater Applause women's luncheon Concert Hall greeting dignitary fire engines ambulance police car emergency truck burglar alarm labor Exchange cafeteria Salvation Army college campus small group lawn party Applause at Castro rally Applause in Auditorium

Sirens fire engines traffic Firehouse siren fire engines on board engines fire engines from distance large intersection passing school yard passing playground park avenue Penn Central Penn Central train Auto horns train pass 2 Penn Central trains New York City traffic Central Park Auto pass by traffic Singapore traffic Rio de Janeiro distant traffic jackhammer bulldozer building construction site

Hospital Nursery babies crying labor room electrocardiograph machine breathing device scale operating room labor room baby strong cry cough household appliances washing machine electric drill vacuum cleaner electric blender hair dryer clothes dryer electric can opener electric motor kitchen frying children's voices pots and pans table being set dumbwaiter bar restaurant martini mix and pour & Beyond s voices drinking mixing dishes Dinner Bell voices phones Bakery ambience numbers being called

Vietnam machine gun M60 mortars platoon attack troops in Jungle jet pass explosions blowing up helicopter night sounds battle sounds jet pass low-level pass grenade explosions artillery Footsteps in Jungle priest praying Birds Vietnamese Brazilian Mexican chirping in Forest chirping in France tropical rainforest

Geographic locations China Mass meeting workers Harbor Shanghai streets traffic bike Bells air horns voices people crowds group exercise traffic men in park mock fight crowd Hong Kong sampans Putt-Putt engine traffic Bells Clock Tower residential street birds voices bike Bells Hong Kong children playing voices Vietnam rice paddy water buffalo women and children's voices Saigon Market vendors Saigon traffic motor scooters crowds bike Bells horns Saigon workers crowds traffic River sounds sampans outboard motors distant traffic Saigon bar jukebox GI bar girls voices Hanoi traffic trolley car Bells scooters heavy traffic North Vietnam work detail singing

Construction wrecking ball hits building wall crumbles train squeal motor whistle Dynamite blast distant Ambience with air hammers warning whistle blasts all clear whistle compressor Motors hammering in background heavy electric drill Ambience hammering voices sign moving steel rods sign hammering which electric saw pouring concrete into forms generator portable power raising Steele which voices activity Industrial Industrial assembly line heavy industry punch press heavy metal grinder stamping Machine Factory interior General sound shipping room typing phone voices assembly line riveting stamping riveting machine voices in background stamping machine Shane which PA factory sounds spinning machine nylon fabric Dome mixing machine large commercial conveyor belt gas driven

North Pole Avalanche Harbor sounds polar ice cap overall sounds Ice Break Up Rock and snow slides large slide small slide Falling Rocks departure from Pier shouts of farewell whistle liner and tug whistles b c d and e tub sounds Queen Elizabeth Harbor salute wind scuba diver riverboat wind backgrounds steady howling moaning blizzard scuba diver Delta Queen Riverboat whistle Captain engine room Paddle Wheel

railroad sounds stations in Rolling Stock station atmospheres diesel diesel Bell diesel backing up on board diesel slow moving train train round curved fast train fast Freight Sports stock engines boxing Shadow Boxing crowds at match fire and training bowling outdoor alley background strike Gulf Drive range overall perspective automatic machine stock in labor exchange New York stock market labor Exchange

Beach waves foghorns wind weather ocean waves and gulls City Waterfront Harbor foghorns under sail winds lapping waves streams Rapids Lakefront rain into a bucket small stream Rapids bubbling brook thunder rain heavy downpour downpour rain ocean waves pounding surf on rocks surf on Beach surf and gulls

applause crowd Auditorium laugh at Mike Applause builds to end thank U convention response Applause and whistles adjust Mike crowd near platform waiting for dignitary motorcade arrival Applause cheers Applause sharp bursts large crowd Applause yells cheers large party women's voices music Applause short-term men Ambience thank you very much Applause theater crowd arrival car horns and doors voices steps Italian opera crowd footsteps City crowd walk by Voices schoolyard City children mothers traffic Bell's Clocktower strikes School rural Schoolhouse Bell village with birds printing sequence pressroom overall sounds rotary press press paper coming off high speed printer Horizon oil press folding machine data processing control console electronic sounds data receiver with electric typewriter Punch Cards in computer equipment room all machines alarm Bell over equipment teletype high-speed office Municipal old cavernous

airplane cockpit PreFlight checklist engine start taxi down Runway takeoff motorcycle start idle driveway approach and stop approach and dry by steam engine train coupling whistle steam pull out moving chugs whistle Wheels Bell water tower steam crew voices whistle pull out all aboard boarding whistle pull out Bail approach stop freightcar on coupling diesel engine idling diesel engine move through yard Bel Air brakes diesel engine on board perspective accelerates horn railroad crossing signal Bell train passes by diesel Park distant approach Auto traffic Crossing Bell pass by slow free passing railroad crossing auto start up Railroad Station clock strikes sound PA announcer train departure Vehicles large truck slow drive by stop trucks and cars high-speed pass by traffic German Autobahn high speed car door opens and shuts several times truck door opens and shuts several times car engine stop and start several times Volkswagen door closed start pull out

Roosters sea lions horse and wagon Farm sounds rooster crows rooster ducks chickens Bantam rooster Barnyard rooster and stream sea lions Children's Zoo sea lions in goals sea lions barking horse and wagon a fast Trot mule on dirt road horse very slow horse on cobblestone horse on dirt road Factory sounds Automobile Plant assembly line installing engines cars coming off assembly line beer factory empty bottles on Belt filled bottles automatic filling machine overall sounds of plant loading platform railroad yard next to factory Ice Cream Factory overall sounds cup dispenser filling cups sandwich machines cone machine

Geographic locations Calcutta Tennis Club voices ball hits Birds traffic heavy scooters trucks horns Jerusalem Street Sounds voices in background Western Wall crowd children's voices Arab vendor selling water ringing Bell traffic Arab bazaar music in background  bus stop old bus pulls in pulls out Idol Market many voices radio in background Beirut City traffic voices Harbor ship loading voices Harbor Dockside heavy machinery voices working men voices Cafe Men playing checkers Cafe many voices neighborhood boy vendor shows horse cart traffic Etc Calcutta Street Sounds children adults Birds motor scooters garment Factory light sewing machines Street shops handicrafts RaceTrack crowd PA race crowd cheer

African animals lion growl elephant Roar leopard wild pig confrontation North African wildlife wolves house in whimpers Eagle chirping wailing humpback whales chattering Harpoon fired ship lines let out over Stern creaks and groans ship underway water sounds plowing through water seagulls in water auction livestock with rural voices aren't auction fine auction farm animals bulls and Paddock Birds pigs with piglet Lambs in Paddock Dolphins splashes with vocal sounds vocalizing surface underwater African exteriors jungle Ambience chirping Prairie winds Birds Land Rover drive and stop

Fire sequence fire Bell in Engine House fireman slide down pole fire engine siren pull out fire engine radio siren large fire heavy Roar small fire crackling fireman shopping through wall fire extinguisher fire hose Quarry jackhammers chisel and hammers compressed air train gears loading Granite stone cutting machine lumbering Lumber trucks loaded drive by Saw Mill logs on conveyor sawing Lumber coming off trimmer Naval vessels Destroyer ship's whistle water and engine sounds large boat horn underway Stern perspective underway mid-ship perspective and Jen Siemens voices wind engines water bridge commands Battleship guns firing explosions Ferry on Deck water engines interior passenger voices ships Hornes Ferry whistles Dockside crowds loading unloading ocean liner whistle passenger voices ship building Shipyard heavy machinery welding hammering yard whistle motor sounds

Geographic locations France shop voices cash register crowd outdoor yells cheers crowd engine Applause ceremony band presenting arms Guatemala Street Sounds traffic Vanderbilt Music footsteps voices Airline terminal Pat England London pub voices orders Big Ben strikes Westminster Buckingham Palace horse carriage crowd Queen's guard horses traffic Tokyo traffic heavy policeman's whistle Park children traffic Birds police Communication Center boy Ace's Judo class fighting instructor voices please exercise class workout Judo class drills whistle Temple ceremony chance Kong Street Sounds traffic voices footsteps children's voices at Play Electric Train pull in doors open footsteps pull out train stations footsteps pull in whistle Bell

Athletic sports Recreation Baseball playing field umpire makes calls that crack players talkin crowd reactions players voices glove slapping crowd umpire calls grunts heavy breathing p a better track crowd reaction bodybuilding weight lifting machine punching bag roller machine belt Machine Trap Shoot pull command with shots skeet range multiple shot dog track vendors selling tip sheets vendors crowd entering Turn Style placing bets Greyhound barking crowd during race crowd large excited Tip Sheet sellers crowd games pinball machine adventure sports hot air ballooning several heater blast mini motor bike races skimobile fireworks displays parade motorcades march by siren crowds drum chords march by crowds voices whistles drums

Motorboating boxing inboard motor boats electric starting motor Outboard water against boat speed boat outboard Crossing waves speed boat high speed fast outboard inboard idling boxing gym perspective skipping rope trainer coach punching bag children on sleds basketball game Boys in Street boy in Jim crowds watching game ice skating and hockey hockey practice game cleaning machine Zamboni skating on crowded rink

Aircraft sounds boarding sounds jet boarding vestibule boarding steps cabin announcements welcome pilot fasten Bell no smoking deplaning preparations cabin Newark Airport Jet's Landing distance Jets Jets Taxi by stole take off Miami International control tower ground controllers single-engine aircraft approach start taxi prop jet Falcon jet Lockheed prop plane DC take off Fairchild Hiller prop jet Boeing 707 727 747 landing 707 Landing 747 in Flight 707 Landing dc-8 Landing aircraft boarding Wing LaGuardia boarding Lounge