Here is an original first edition copy of The Flivver King, published by the author Upton Sinclair that also includes a letter from an advertising agency employee who is congratulating his associate on his new General Motors account and who is gifting this book, tongue-in-cheek, for ideas "on what not to use for publicity stories for Ford."  The letter is dated Dec. 30, 1937 and has a D.P. Brother & Company Inc. 8th Floor, General Motors Building, Detroit, Mich. letterhead.  The book itself is bound by 3 center staples, has 120 pages and has light marks on the front and back covers with a clean interior.  Written in 1937 to aid the United Auto Workers organizing drive and answers the question "Why do we need a union?" with quiet eloquence.  A great pair of collectibles.  Thanks for looking at this auction.