Hair Extensions Real Human Hair Clip Ins DIYOMO Real Hair Extensions Clip In Human Hair are made of real hair extensions, silky salon professional human hair, soft like your own natural hair, no tangling, no shedding. Thick & healthy ends are what make DIYOMO human hair extensions clip ins stand out in the market. Our human hair extensions clip ins features discreet, lightweight silicon-backed clips that are sewn stably and covered in soft rubber to protect your scalp and natural hair. hair extensions real human hair clip ins,clip in hair extensions real human hair,natural effect,clip in hair extensions human hair,platinum hair extensions,Hair clip extensions black hair extensions,Clip in hair extensions real human hair,dark brown hair extensions,hair extensions,clip in hair extensions,hair extensions real human hair clip ins,clip in hair extensions real human hair,human hair extensions,real hair extensions clip in human hair,extensiones de cabello natural clip,Human hair extensions clip ins,vigorous clip in hair extensions,clip on hair extensions,extensions human hair natural,hair extensions clip ins,clip in extensions real human hair, hair extensions,clip in human hair extensionsseamless hair extensions clip in,Human Hair Clip In Extensions Quantity,real human hair extensions clip ins,remy hair extensions clip in human hair,real hair extensions clip in human hair,extensions for women clip in,hair extensions clip ins,clip ins real human hair,Clip In Hair Extensions,hair clip extensions for women,clip hair extensions,human hair extensions,clip in hair extensions, hair extensions,clip on extensions human hair,human hair clip in extensions,seamless clip in hair extensions,black human hair extensions,Clip In Hair Extensions,Human Hair Clip In Extensions,real hair extensions clip in human hair,18 inch clip in human hair extensions,clip hair extensions real human hair,clip extensions human hair,real hair extensions clip in human hair,hair extensions,black hair extensions
【PU Seamless Hair Extensions Aad Human Hair Extensions 】DIYOMO Hair Extensions factory has 16 years of experience in hair extensions. At present, we have developed the latest seamless PU clips, using imported silicone and the latest upgraded large clips. It does not harm the hair has a strong grip, is very invisible, and does not harm its own hair. Acidic shampoos and conditioners be used after hair extensions
【Hair Extensions Real Human Hair Aad Human Hair extensions Clip Ins】 to be real hair extensions . 7Pieces with Different Widths and Shades for Different Hair Needs ,You can change the style according to your preferences, such as perm, dye, straighten, etc. Try to control the temperature below 180 ° C. After each use,
【human hair extensions And human hair clip in extensions】The product consists of a total of 17 clips, totaling 120g, packed in 7 pieces per package. If you are looking to increase your circulation, it is recommended to purchase 2 packs; If it is to increase the length, you can purchase one package. This hair extension is the earliest popular, without going to the hair salon. It can be easily worn at home in 3 minutes and removed in 1 minute,Seamless and Comfortable: Thinner Weft with Breathable Clips for Blending with Your Own Hair
【Clip In Extensions 】set.clip in hair extensions real human hair have 14 inches-120 grams/16 inches-120 grams/18 inches-120 grams-120 grams/20 inches-120 grams/22 inches-120 grams/respectively, If it is to increase hair volume it is recommended to purchase 1-2 packs. .If it is to extend hair, it is recommended to purchase 3-4 packs and create a charming effect.
[Our service] All photos are taken by DIYOMO, perhaps because of the use of different monitors, the actual effect and the image color is slightly different. We have thoroughly investigated the market and produced the most popular styles. You can choose according to your hair color. Suitable for various occasions, such as parties, attending ceremonies, going out for picnics, etc