Introducing the MOAM 80k+ Rpm Slot Car Motor, perfect for all motor enthusiasts! This powerful motor will take your slot car racing to the next level, delivering lightning-fast speeds and unparalleled performance. Designed specifically for 1/24 scale cars, this motor is a must-have for any serious racer.

I had to use AI description to make this listing because I was in a hurry, but long story short, MOAM is back! Sorry for the delay, it took a while to get this batch ready to sell. These are the same MOAMB3 motors you guys have been begging me for! Get yours today! I'm going to keep that first paragraph from the AI description because I like it lol 😂. It's way over the top, but slot cars are fun for me. 

Nothing has changed, Some of the original MOAM's that were produced (the original non-B3 version) are still winning races. This is the same MOAMB3 that was derived from that motor. I am still open to producing more of the original MOAM, but the consensus seems to be that the B3 is a significant improvement and further production of the original MOAM would be a step backwards.

I would like to thank all the customers and people who have happily volunteered their time, parts, and in some cases even money to make MOAM a success. When I started all this I genuinely did not expect to sell more than maybe 50 motors. I just wanted to see what was out there. Since I launched the original MOAM, we have sold enough motors for me to loose count. More importantly I have met and had the opportunity to work with some amazing people in this hobby and that makes this whole project more rewarding than any number of motors or slot car parts I could ever sell could ever be. I'm thankful that I have been able to make a contribution to a hobby I truly enjoy.

My shipping has been lackluster of late, I have a lot of stuff going on in my personal life, and it has caused some late shipments. I just wanted to make sure everyone understands that I absolutely fill every single order I get. When I started MOAM I only had a few orders per week to fill, but as it has grown it has strained my ability to ship on a daily basis. 

I also wanted to let my international customers know that I offer you a buy one get one free order. Due to the fact that the purchase of a single MOAM internationally costs at least $45 and sometimes as much as $60+ I always ship two motors on international orders. If you order multiple motors, I always add one to the shipment just in case there happens to be a problem with one of your motors. Less than 1% of MOAMB3's have been defective, but between the increased shipping costs you pay internationally, and the remote possibility of you getting a bad motor, leading to another $30 in shipping fees to make it right, I feel like a buy one get one free option is the best on the table.

I have also had a small number of problems with people attempting to run MOAM's on home hobby tracks such as Carrera tracks. You will have bad results. A MOAM pulls 3+ amps while running, and while we have not measured it, it's safe to assume that startup amperage is in the 40+ amp range. I have had one report of a burned up power supply, and other reports of the motor simply not working, or running slowly. It is possible to run a MOAM on a home track like that, but you will need a custom power supply. You will also need a commercial controller, and not the cheap ones they sell with the sets. If anyone really has their heart set on running MOAM on a home scale track, I will happily help you build a sufficient power supply, but I can not take responsibility for damage done as a result of trying to run a MOAM on tracks made for use at home such as Carerra. They do not make bad products, their power supplies just are not intended to run a motor with the power draw of a MOAM.

I want to thank each and every one of you for making MOAM a success, I still hope to expand my product line, I would like to make chassis, but at this time I do not have the investment capital required to do so on a level I would be satisfied with. MOAM will never sell a sub-par product. It will either be the best on the market, or it will go in my trash can.

Jonathan Anderson (MOAM)