This lot of books includes:

  1. Soldier X, Don Wulffson (fiction)
  2. The Price of Honor, Colonel David H. Hackworth (fiction) - tilted spine
  3. The Teams, An Oral History of the U.S. Navy Seals, Kevin Dockery and Bill Fawcett - broken binding, bent corners
  4. Inside Delta Force, Eric L. Haney 
  5. Boot, Daniel da Cruz 
  6. Warrior Soul, The Memoir of a Navy Seal, Chuck Pfarrer - tilted spine
  7. The Right to Bear Arms, The Rise of America's New Militias, Jonathan Karl - cracked spine, POI
  8. First Seal, Roy Boehm and Charles W. Sasser 
  9. Never Fight Fair!, Inside the Legendary U.S. Navy Seals, Their Own True Stories, Orr Kelly

 We purchase our books for resale so most of them will have old price stickers on the back cover. We do our best to give an honest description of any damage to the books, but what we sell are used books and we have no idea the history of the books.

When we list a set of books they are boxed and sent to our warehouse to await sale and shipment. It is not cost effective for us to bring them back to our office and sell just part of a set.