Arduino Nano 3.0, ATMEGA328P, Type-C Micro USB, With bootloader

The Arduino Nano is small complete and breadboard friendly
It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove but
in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack, and works with a USB type-C cable.

Microcontroller : ATmega328
Architecture : AVR
Operating Voltage : 5V
Flash Memory : 32KB of which 2KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed : 16MHz
Analog IN Pins : 8
DC Current per I/O Pins : 20mA (I/O Pins)
Input Voltage : 5-12V
Digital I/O Pins : 22 (6 of which are PWM)
PWM Output : 6
Power Consumption : 19 mA
PCB Size : 18 x 45 mm
Weight : 7g

Every single Arduino Nano gets tested with the blink script before there dispatched
so when it turns up and you plug it in, it will have the flashing LED.

This Arduino Nano is only returnable if the pin headers have not been soldered in.
So please test before fitting the pin headers please.

CH340 drivers required
Mac OSX, Windows, Linux CH340 Drivers - Google 'Sparkfun How to Install CH340 Drivers.

Thanks for looking.