Add a touch of vintage charm to your home decor with this antique hooked rug. Crafted with a beautiful floral pattern, this rug boasts lovely shades of greens and pinks to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of any room. Measuring 43 x 24 inches, this rug can be used as a decorative piece or as a functional floor covering.

Its unique shag texture adds depth and character to any space. Perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of handcrafted items, this rug is sure to impress. Whether you're looking to add warmth and comfort to your living room, or simply want to spruce up your bedroom, this antique hooked rug is a great addition to any home.

It’s a cool old rug in old rug condition. It, like most, vintage rugs could benefit from a clean. It’s not perfect, but it is charming. See the photos for the details. If you ave other questions go ahead and ask