You will receive:
3 Stamps Comemmorative
   - Jewish Calendar
   - Christian Calendar
   - Islamic Calendar 

Catalog codes:
Michel:BR 3123, Sn:BR 2776, Yt:BR 2661, RHM C-2356
Michel:BR 3124, Sn:BR 2777, Yt:BR 2662, RHM C-2355
Michel:BR 3125, Sn:BR 2778, Yt:BR 2663, RHM C-2357

Three calendars of different civilizations are presented: the Jewish, the Christian and the Islamic, alluding to the different forms used in different cultures for counting time. In the composition, the artist presented specific elements, symbolizing the three focused religions. Thus, the seal on the Jewish Calendar presents important symbols such as the Maguen David (six-pointed star), the Menorah (seven-branched candlestick, one of the most important characteristics of the Tabernacle and Temples), Torah (scroll, Sacred Book), Decalogue (Ten Commandments, given by God to Moses), and the Hebrew text that means "Blessed be You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who gave us life, sustained us and brought us to this age." Tevet 5761, are the description of the month and year in which the Jewish calendar will be found in January 2001.

In the Islamic calendar, the words ALLAHU AKBAR, which means "God is Great," is shown, the image of the Kaaba (temple of the city of Mecca, the House of God built by the prophet Adam), Shrine of the Prophet Muhammad Islamic culture), the Half Moon (symbol of the Islamic calendar, which is strictly lunar and is based on chapter 09, verse 36, of the Holy Quran that says: "For God the number of months is twelve, as the Divine Book says, from the day he created the heavens and the earth. "), and the Wheat Branch (in Islamic culture it means good, prosperity, love and peace).

To illustrate the Christian calendar, which will begin its 32nd millennium in 2001, the elements used were: the Magi, the Chalice, the Host and the Dove, making reference to the birth, life and mission of Christ.

Edital n. 1 Art: Luciana Hirata Printing Process: Offset Paper: couché gomado Sheet: 25 stamps Face value: Block - R $ 3,00 Jewish Calendar - R $ 0,40 Christian Calendar - R $ 0,40 Islamic Calendar - R $ 1 , 30 Stamps 200,000 blocks Jewish Calendar 1,200,000 stamps Christian Calendar - 1,600,000 stamps Islamic Calendar - 1, stamps Peaking 12x11,5 Block Dimensions: 100 x 70 + 10 mm (bar code) Stamps area 26x44 mm Stamp dimensions 26x44mmm Issue 1/1/2001 Printing: Mint of Brazil

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