Reawaken your hair’s vitality with Satura® Rosta Balm.


How to Use Satura® Rosta Balm for Optimal Results:

  1. Preparation: Vigorously shake the bottle and measure out 15-20 ml using the provided measuring cup.
  2. Application: Massage the balm into your scalp using firm, circular motions for a duration of 15 minutes.
  3. Compress Creation: Place a waterproof cap or plastic film over your hair, followed by a warm cap or scarf to lock in the treatment. For best results, leave the compress on for a minimum of 4-5 hours, or ideally, overnight.
  4. Rinsing: Gently wash out the balm using a neutral shampoo.
  5. Frequency: For maximum efficacy, repeat this process twice a week. A standard treatment cycle comprises 20-30 sessions.

Enhanced Treatment: For amplified results, pair the Satura® Rosta massage with a “Darsonval” device.

Witness the Transformation: Experience remarkable hair growth for both women and men after just one complete treatment cycle. With its 100% natural composition and rigorous testing, Satura® Rosta stands as the premier natural hair regrowth solution for individuals across all age groups.

A Symphony of Science and Nature:
Introducing Satura® Rosta Balm, a culmination of over three decades of rigorous scientific research and nature’s most potent ingredients. This balm isn’t just a product; it’s a testament to the power of nature enhanced by science.

Why Choose Satura® Rosta Balm?

Experience Unparalleled Hair Transformation:

Satura® Rosta Balm’s potent ingredients penetrate deeply into the scalp, stimulating the genes responsible for hair growth. This activation awakens dormant hair follicles, ensuring hair that’s not just growing but thriving. The balm’s unique formulation triggers the natural mechanism of hair growth, a testament to its unparalleled efficacy.

Join the Legacy:
Step into a world of hair care excellence, backed by Dr. Galina Zigmond’s pioneering work and a legacy of knowledge passed down through generations. With every purchase, you’re not just investing in a product but in a legacy of hair care brilliance.