This is a QuickTake 100, 150 on their own with a 200 in great cosmetic shape in a box with its matching AC adapter used for when you plug in to transfer photos. I am pairing it with a box that is serial mismatched. It has an after purchase accessory in the form of a memory card that apple sold as an add on that was double the standard at 4 megabytes.

Because this is such an early digital camera it is almost impossible to find cards that are the low voltage version to work in this QuickTake. As such just imagine how hard it is to find one line this: with an Apple logo with 4 megabytes of space. To slap down $600 US for an unproven tech and then double down on more mega is not going to be common. I was really lucky to find it: you are next.

I have paired it with the box and the AC Adapter because the card warrants it, however the box is not serial matched.

Basic testing has been done however due to it being long past it’s issue date I sell these things as is. Happy hunting!