This is a lot of  2. Both still sealed never opened. Mint condition! For the Star Wars fanatics out there, this Topps Star Wars Episode 1 Widevision The Phantom Menace 80 Card Base Set is a must-have. The set features iconic characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and Darth Maul from the first episode of the Star Wars franchise. Each card is made of high-quality card stock material and measures in a widevision size.

This non-sport trading card set is perfect for collectors aged 13 and above. It includes 240 cards with card number 80 being the last one. The set is an original and licensed reprint manufactured by Topps in 1999 in the United States. Get your hands on this amazing collectible now!