Brand new book signed and sold by the author. 

250 never-before-published photos of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, mostly rowing, taken by Olympic athlete from the USSR. 

From the author: I will be happy if the photos taken by my father become a new discovery for you. I’ve included all the photos taken in Tokyo, regardless of their quality. Maybe they will reveal unexpected images to you. 

You can see many famous personalities in this album, such as John B. Kelly (USA), Seymour Cromwell and Jim Storm (USA), George Hungerford and Roger Jackson (CAN), Klaus Aefke (GER), Karl Adam (GER), athletes from USA, Australia, Germany, France, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, Canada, Cuba, Finland etc.

About the athlete from behind the Iron Curtain: Povilas Liutkaitis was a Lithuanian. He was born in 1937 in independent Lithuania. When he was eight, shortly after the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania, he became an orphan - his mother was shot dead by Soviet security forces, and his father died of starvation in a concentration camp in Siberia (GULAG). Such children were called “enemies of the state”. They were routinely humiliated, discriminated against, and otherwise abused by the Soviet authorities. It was harder for them to enter universities, receive housing in dormitories, earn scholarships, and find work. After coming to Vilnius to study, Povilas Liutkaitis started rowing on the Vilnius University crew. Later he joined the Lithuanian national team and won the USSR championships. At that time, however, his career came to a halt because he was not allowed to travel abroad to international competitions because of his family background. Povila's daughter Rima Karaliene, the author of this album, narrate the story of his long journey to Tokyo Olympics in her book, Rowing Through the Barbed Wire Fence. Paradoxically, his was a journey to earn the right to defend the honor of the occupiers. Povilas Liutkaitis learned to shoot and develop photographs from his dorm roommate. He never parted with his camera during any competitions or trips.