The sterling silver baby milk bottle is an elegant and functional accessory for infants, designed with both practicality and style in mind. Weighing approximately 77 grams, this bottle stands at a height of 16 cm with a diameter of 5 cm, making it a convenient size for feeding.

One of its unique features is the detachable silver casing around the bottle, allowing it to be used with other bottles as well. This versatility adds to its value, offering parents the option to switch between bottles while retaining the luxurious silver casing.

Additionally, the set includes a small tumbler, further enhancing its utility for feeding and care routines. Crafted from sterling silver, this baby milk bottle and tumbler set not only serves its functional purpose but also adds a touch of sophistication to the nursery.

The high-quality construction ensures durability and longevity, making it a cherished item that can be passed down through generations. Overall, this sterling silver baby milk bottle with a detachable casing and tumbler combines practicality with elegance, making it a valuable addition to any baby's essentials.