Set the God of storms, warfare, chaos, and the red lord of the desert. He is the mighty one who slays Apep every night so that the boat of Ra may pass once more into the new dawn. His animals are the hippopotamus and the crocodile and all dominion over the deep waters. his cult was ancient and he was venerated with gold, meteors and temples to him. It was not until the later stories he was turned into the wicked brother who slew his brother to usurp his throne. Pharos, magicians, artisans and warriors all honoured set. This beautiful statue is created in bronze or brass and has been verdigris, with a stone base. It stands about 6” tall and he holds the crook and flail of power. I have had this for a long while and am letting it go because of downsizing my collections. There is no damage to him and he stands securely on his base.