7" Copper Kapala Set


Copper Kapala Set








Copper Alloy with Brass Rings

Actual Weight

0.658 Kg.

Ships From

Patan, Nepal

Shipping Provider

Express Shipping Service

Shipping Time

Usually ships within 48 hours. Allow 5 – 7 business days for delivery worldwide.


Insurance is included in the shipping cost.


Kapala – The Ritual Cup

The skull cup, known as Kapala in Sanskrit, is fashioned from the oval upper section of a human cranium. It serves as a libation vessel for a vast number of Vajrayana deities, mostly wrathful. As a ritual implement, the selection of the right skull is of immense importance for the success of the ritual. The skull of a murder or execution victim is believed to possess the greatest tantric power; the skull of one who has died from a violent or accidental death, or from a virulent illness, possesses a medium magical power; the skull of a person who died peacefully in old age has virtually no occult power. The skull of a child who died during the onset of puberty also has great potency, as do the skulls of miscegenated or misbegotten child of unknown paternity, born from the forbidden union of castes, out of wedlock, from sexual misdemeanor, or particularly from incest. The 'misbegotten skull' of a seven or eight-year-old child born from an incestuous union is considered to possess the greatest power in certain tantric rituals. Here the vital force or potential of the skull's 'previous owner' is embodied within the bone as a spirit, rendering it as an effective power object for the performance of tantric rituals.

About this Ritual Item

These two matching Kapalas are made of copper alloy with brass rings which are beautifully hand-carved. The Kapala Set is beautifully hand-carved with beautiful intricate patterns throughout the Kapala Set. This fine-quality Kapala set is hand-crafted by master artisans from Patan, Nepal.