Nice to meet you. Our company is a Japanese antique dealer. We sell used items.
We take care not to infringe on copyrights, patent rights, or trademark registrations, but if you have any problems, please contact us. We will respond immediately. 
Thank you for visiting our shop.
Japan antique dealer number: 921060000398

Items marked as standard shipping can also be delivered by express delivery, so please contact us.


Usaku Micha-chan backpack
It's mini mini size.

We welcomed you in our store over ten years ago.
I don’t go outside and I carry Usakumya-chan’s large backpack.
We displayed it together at home.
She has pink hair and pink eyes!
The back of the head is a little dirty.
There is also some yellowing on the lace.
Your face is so cute
Please take a look♪
To someone who cares
I hope it arrives.
I think it's beautiful, but it's from over 10 years ago and has been kept by an amateur, so if you're a nervous person, please refrain from purchasing.


About Importer's Obligation