1. Size: 120cm x 60cm: Available in black, white, blue, red, purple. I always sew the cover on both ends of this line of towels so that the threads don't come loose. The downside is that it's a bit thin. The advantage is that it is cheap, suitable for cases where it is not used much, or as performance props.

2, 80/20 cotton towel:

+ Size 170 x 60cm, 2 ends have tassels.

This type is chosen by many people because of its good quality, soft price, smooth, absorbent fabric and there are many colors to choose from. People who go on teambuilding trips often use these towels.

3, Cotton towel 170cm x 60 cm Multicolor

This is a high-end product, everyone. 100% cotton towels, the best and thickest in the shop, yes, there are many colors for us to choose from. This line of towels is suitable for customers with high quality requirements. This line of towels is meticulously processed, the fabric is thicker, the towels are often used at some large events or used in design and garments. For example: ao dai, bandana, hat, shoes, souvenir motifs.