This video library consists of four vhs tapes produced in association with the Prentice Hall Textbook , Economics in Action. Each VHS tape has a number of videos providing motivating stories to illustrate basic economic concepts. It is an excellent tool for middle or high school students learning about economics. Some of the segments were produced by CNBC. These were also created in association with The Wall Street Journal. Each video illustrates concepts revealed in the text. The videos also provide critical thinking questions. The topics of the videos are: Chapter 1 What Is Economics? Groovin Business,  Chapter 2 Economic Systems- Imtermet Impact, Chapter 3 American Free Enterprise- Forced Out , Chapter 4 Demand- Home Sweet Home, Chapter 5 Supply - Plummeting Prices, Chapter 6 - Prices- Money Pit, Chapter 7 - Market Structures- Down on the Farm, Chapter 8 Business Organizations - Finding Funds, Chapter 9 - Labor - Pay Equity, etc. See photo for complete list.