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Celtic Mythology & Culture


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215 Books in digital PDF format



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USB Flash Drive



A Totally unique and unrivalled collection


Celtic history and traditions  

The Celts

People referred to as Celts first appear, in Greek texts, during the period archaeologists call the Iron Age. This was the last phase of prehistory, which in Europe North of the Alps comprises roughly the last 600 to 800 years BC. The Iron Age conventionally ends with the gradual conquest of Western Europe and much of Britain by the Romans, which is taken to mark the beginning of recorded history.

During these centuries, the Celts, also known as Gauls or Galatians, became the most feared of all the 'barbarian' peoples beyond the world of Greek and Roman urban civilization.

Many of the peoples of Europe at the time, from Spain in the West to the Balkans in the East, and from Northern Italy to the English Channel, were regarded by Greeks and Romans as related to each other, under the names 'Celts' (Greek: Keltoi; Latin: Celtae), 'Gauls' (Latin Galli), or 'Galatians' (Greek Galatae). Archaeology has shown that these peoples possessed vibrant cultures, and developed superb artistic styles.

 The most Complete Library available



N.B there is NO BOX or physical books included in the purchase - you will receive a USB flash drive containing the books in PDF format for use on your Computer.


The colour and style of the USB drive may vary from the picture, we will send whatever drive we currently have available, a particular colour or style cannot be pre-selected.



On The Drive

This unique drive is an opportunity to own these rare and collectible vintage books before they disappear forever. Some of the books are already unavailable and but for being scanned into digital format would never be seen again.

Each page has been scanned in as a faithful reproduction of the original. This is a chance to be able to see books that would otherwise be lost to future generations.

The drive contains rare out-of-print books - Celtic Culture, Legend & Mythology. Each book is individually named on the drive and thus is easily searchable by title, and each book is individually searchable itself.

Be Aware - that other sellers may pad out their collection of books with foreign language titles or books that are not relevant to the topic. Compare items and you will see the quality and effort that goes into our disks. Other sellers also put security lock on the books which requires a password (which they wont give you) so it is restricted as to what you can do with the books - all our books are completely unrestricted. In addition all our books are fully named exactly as you see in the list below making them easy to find and easily searchable - other sellers may simply supply you a disk with books named randomly making it virtually impossible to find the book you want.

IMPORTANT: These books come supplied on a USB Flash Drive - note that this is not a USB drive that will that will "play" on a home DVD player or TV, it contains no video whatsoever. It is a Data Drive and must be used on a Computer to view the PDF book files 




215 Volumes on the USB Drive 

A book of saints and wonders ... according to the old writings and the memory of the people of Ireland - Gregory, Lady 1908
A critical history of the Celtic religion and learning containing an account of the Druids - Toland, John 1815
A guide to antiquities of the early iron age  of central and western Europe (including the British late-Keltic period) - British Museum 1905
A new edition of Toland's History of the druids - Toland, John 1814
A Sketch of the History and Antiquities of the Southern Islands of Aran with Observations on the Religion of the Celtic Nations, ... - O'Flaherty, John T 1824
A vindication of the Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish and British coins - Poste, Beale 1862
An attempt to explain the origin and meaning of.. interlaced ornamentation .. ancient sculptured stones of Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man - French, Gilbert 1858
An essay on the druids - Smiddy,  R 1871
An Essay, on the Question Whether the British Druids Offered Human Sacrifices - John Williams 1842
An etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language - Macbain, A 1896
An historical and statistical account of the Isle of Man, from the earliest times ... (Volume 1) - Train, J 1845
Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contributions to Irish lore - Wilde, Lady 1890
Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland Vol I - Wilde, Lady 1887
Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of Ireland Vol II - Wilde, Lady 1887
Battles and enchantments, retold from early Gaelic literature - O'Conor, Norreys 1922
Beside the fire a collection of Irish Gaelic folk stories - Hyde, Douglas 1890
British goblins  Welsh folk-lore, fairy mythology, legends and traditions - Sikes, W 1880
Cambrensis everus  the history of ancient Ireland vindicated  the religion, laws and civilization of her people .. (Volume 1) - Lynch, John 1848
Cambrensis everus  the history of ancient Ireland vindicated  the religion, laws and civilization of her people .. (Volume 2) - Lynch, John 1848
Carmina Gadelica Hymns and Incantations with Illustrative Notes on Words, Rites, and Customs Vol I ... - Alexander C 1900
Carmina Gadelica Hymns and Incantations with Illustrative Notes on Words, Rites, and Customs Vol II ... - Alexander C 1900
Catalogue of the Manx crosses with the runic inscriptions  - Kermode, Philip Moore Callow 1892
Celt and Saxon - Meredith, G 1910
Celtic art in pagan and Christian times - Allen, J 1904
Celtic ballads and chansons - Price, Candelent 1912
Celtic Britain - Sir John Rhys 1908
Celtic Britain and the pilgrim movement - Jones, G 1912
Celtic dialects Gaelic, Brythonic, Pictish, and some Stirlingshire place-names - Macdonald,T 1903
Celtic fables, fairy tales, & legends versified - J Williams 1862
Celtic Fairy Tales - Joseph Jacobs
Celtic folklore, Welsh and Manx (Volume 1) - Rhys, John 1901
Celtic folklore, Welsh and Manx (Volume 2) - Rhys, John 1901
Celtic gleanings, or, Notices of the history and literature of the Scottish Gael - Maclauchlan, T 1857
Celtic illuminative art in the gospel books of Durrow, Lindisfarne, and Kells - Robinson, S 1908
Celtic magazine a monthly periodical ... literature, history, antiquities, folk-lore, traditions.... material interests of the Celt .. - Mackenzie, Alexander 1875
Celtic memories, and other poems - N J O'Connor 1914
Celtic Myth and Legend - Poetry and Romance - Charles Squire 1910
Celtic Mythology And Religion - A Macbain 1885
Celtic Religion in pre-Christian times - E Anwyl 1906
Celtic researches, on the origin, traditions & language, of the ancient Britons; - Davies, E 1804
Celtic Songs (Volume 9) - Dudley, Dorothy 1917 [Article]
Celtic stories - Thomas, E 1918
Celtic Studies from the German of Dr. Hermann Ebel 1863
Celtic Tales 1910
Celtic wonder-tales - Young, Ella 1910
Celticism a myth - Roger, J 1889
Chronicles of Eri being the history of the Gaal Sciot Iber  (Volume 1) - O'Connor, Roger 1822
Chronicles of Eri being the history of the Gaal Sciot Iber  (Volume 2) - O'Connor, Roger 1822
Cuchulain of Muirthemne  the story of the men of the Red Branch of Ulster - Gregory, Lady 1911
Descriptions of Cairns, Cromlechs, Kistvaens, and Other Celtic ... monumnets - M Taylor 1865
England before the Norman Conquest, being a history of the Celtic,.... periods down to the year A.D. 1066 - Oman,C 1919
Fairies and Folk of Ireland - Frost, W 1900
Fairy legends and traditions of the South of Ireland - Croker, T 1834
Finn and his companions - O'Grady, S 1892
Folk and hero tales - J. MacDougall (1891)
Folk tales and fairy lore in Gaelic and English - Macdougall, J 1910
Folk-lore and legends; Scotland - T C J 1889
Fragments of ancient poetry, collected in the Highlands of Scotland. - Macpherson, J 1760
Gaelic fairy tales - Parker, W 1908
Gaelic folk tales - O'Sheridan, M 1910
Gaelic names of beasts (mammalia),.. Celtic lore, prose, poetry, and proverbs referring to each, thereto attached - Forbes, A 1905
Gods and Fighting Men The Story of the Tuatha de Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland - Lady Gregory 1910
Grave-mounds and their contents a manual of archaeology, as exemplified in the burials of the Celtic... - Jewitt, L 1870
Heroes of the dawn - Russell, V 1914
Heroic Romances of Ireland - Volume 1 - Leahy, A 1905
Heroic Romances of Ireland - Volume 2 - Leahy, A 1905
Hero-tales of Ireland - Curtin, J 1894
Highland Superstitions Connected with the Druids, Fairies, Witchcraft .. A Macgregor 1891
History of Paganism in Caledonia - Thomas Wise 1884
Idylls of Ireland  some Celtic legends done into metre - Cowan, S 1896
In chimney corners. Merry tales of Irish folk-lore - MacManus, Seumas 1899
In the Celtic past; Stories - MacManus, A 1904
In the gates of the North - O'Grady, S 1908
Ireland - Ur of the Chaldees - Wilkes, A 1873
Ireland's fairy lore - Mahon, Michael Patrick 1919
Irish Celts - a cyclopedia of race history - O'Brien, James 1884
Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions - James Bonwick 1894
Irish fairy and folk tales - Yeats, W. B 1892
Irish Fairy Tales - James Stephens 1920
Irish Fairy Tales - Leamy, E 1890
John Sherman, and Dhoya - Yeats, W. B 1891
Jurgen - J Cabell (1923)
Keltic researches; studies in the history and distribution of the ancient Goidelic language and peoples - Nicholson, E 1904
Leabhar Nan Gleann - The Book of the Glens  with Zimmer on Pictish matriarchy - Henderson, G 1898
Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom - Rhys, J 1892
Lectures on Welsh philology - Rhys, J 1877
Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts - Kennedy, Patrick 1891
Liadain and Curithir - Moireen Fox 1917
Liadain and Curithir An Irish Love-story of the Ninth Century - Kuno Meyer 1902
Manx fairy tales - Morrison, Sophia 1911
Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls - Ritson, J 1827
More Celtic fairy tales - Jacobs, Joseph 1894
Myths & legends of the Celtic race - Rolleston, T 1911
Myths & legends of the Celtic race - T Rolleston
Myths and folk-lore of Ireland - Curtin, J 1911
Notes on the Folk-lore of the North-East Of Scotland - Gregor, W 1881
On the origin of the celts and the dialects extant of their language - Eduard Dewalther 1868
On The Study Of Celtic Literature And On Translating Homer - Arnold, M 1913
Ossian and the Ossianic literature - Nutt, A 1910
Pagan Ireland - Hull, E 1923
Peasant lore from Gaelic Ireland -Daniel Deeney 1901
Poems of Oisin, bard of Erin.  - Simpson, J 1857
Poems, and translations, in verse ... ancient Celtic bards; with the Gaelic originals, ... illustrative notes - Munro, R 1869
Popular tales of the west Highlands Vol 1 - Campbell, J 1890
Popular tales of the west Highlands Vol 2 - Campbell, J 1860
Popular tales of the west Highlands Vol 3 - Campbell, J 1892
Popular tales of the west Highlands Vol 4 - Campbell, J 1893
Reliquiae Celticae  texts, papers, and studies in Gaelic literature and philology Vol 1 - Cameron, A 1892
Reliquiae Celticae  texts, papers, and studies in Gaelic literature and philology Vol 2. - Cameron, A 1894
Scotland in pagan times; the iron age - Anderson, Joseph 1883
Scoto-Celtic Studies  Essays and Papers - Macbain, A 1900
Scottish fairy and folk tales - George Douglas 1900
Scottish myths; notes on Scottish history and tradition - Maclagan, R 1882
Songs of the Celtic past - O'Conor, Norreys 1918
Spiritual tales - Macleod, F 1897
Studies on the legend of the Holy Grail  with especial reference to .. its Celtic origin - Nutt, Alfred 1888
Survivals in belief among the Celts - Henderson, G 1911
Tanglewood Tales - Hawthorne, N 1913
Ten years' diggings in Celtic & Saxon grave hills - Thomas Bateman 1861
Text of the Mabinogion 1887
The ancient Irish epic tale Tain bo Cualnge - Dunn, J 1914
The bardic stories of Ireland- P Kennedy (187
The book Arran; - Balfour, J 1910
The boy's Mabinogion  being the earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur in the famous Red book of Hergest - Lanier, S 1881
The bronze age and the Celtic world - Peake, H 1922
The Celt above the Saxon; or, A comparative sketch of the Irish and English people in war - Herlihy, C 1904
The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon - T. Wright (1852)
The Celtic and Scandinavian antiquities of Shetland - Goudie, G 1904
The Celtic Christianity of Cornwall; divers sketches and studies - Taylor, T 1916
The Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland - Zimmer, Heinrich 1902
The Celtic church in Ireland - James Heron 1898
The Celtic church in Scotland - J Dowden 1894
The Celtic Church of Wales - Willis B 1897
The Celtic dragon myth - Campbell, J 1911
The Celtic inscriptions of Cisalpine Gaul - Rhys, J 1913
The Celtic twilight. Men and women - Yeats, W. B 1894
The Coming of Cuculain - O'Grady, S 1920
The coming of Cuculain - O'Grady, S 1921
The coming of Lugh  a Celtic wonder-tale - Young, Ella 1909
The courtship of Ferb an Old Irish romance transcribed in the twelfth century into the Book of Leinster - Leahy, A 1902
The Cuchullin saga in Irish literature - Hull, E 1898
The death-tales of the Ulster heroes - Meyer, K 1906
The dominion of dreams - Macleod, F 1899
The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations Proved by a Comparison of Their Dialects with ... - James C 1857
The Etruscans were they Celts - J Fraser 1879
The Evergreen, a northern seasonal .. (Volume 1) - Geddes, Patrick 1895
The Evergreen, a northern seasonal .. (Volume 2) - Geddes, Patrick 1895
The Evergreen, a northern seasonal .. (Volume 3) - Geddes, Patrick 1895
The Evergreen, a northern seasonal .. (Volume 4) - Geddes, Patrick 1895
The fairy-faith in Celtic countries - Evans-Wentz, W. Y 1911
The folk-lore of the Isle of Man being an account of its myths, legends, superstitions ...- A W Moore 1891
The four ancient books of Wales  containing the Cymric poems attributed to the bards of the sixth century (Vol 1) - Skene, W F 1868
The four ancient books of Wales  containing the Cymric poems attributed to the bards of the sixth century (Vol 2) - Skene, W F 1868
The genius of the Gael; a study in Celtic psychology and its manifestations - Bryant, S 1913
The history of the Celtic language - Lachlan Maclean 1840
The history of the Isle of Man... with a succinct detail of enchantments that have been exhibited there by sorcerers and other infernal beings 1780
The history of Wales, descriptive of the government, wars, manners, religion, laws, druids,.. - Jones, John 1824
The hound of Cullan - Webster, F 1918
The influence of Celtic upon mediaeval romance - Nutt, A 1904
The Irish fairy book - Graves, A 1909
The Irish mythological cycle and Celtic mythology - Arbois de Jubainville 1903
The Kelt or Gael  his ethnography, geography, and philology - Atkins, T 1892
The laughter of Peterkin; a retelling of old tales of the Celtic Wonderworld - Macleod, F 1897
The literature of the Celts - MacLean, M 1926
The liturgy and ritual of the Celtic church - Warren, F 1881
The Mabinogion (Volume 1) - Schreiber, Charlotte 1902
The Mabinogion (Volume 2) - Schreiber, Charlotte 1902
The Mabinogion (Volume 3) - Schreiber, Charlotte 1902
The Mabinogion; - Schreiber, Charlotte 1913
The Martyrology of Oengus the Culdee - W Stokes 1905
The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids - E Davies 1809
The mythology and rites of the British druids ... - Davies, Edward 1809
The Mythology of all races .. (Volume 3) Celtic - J A MacCulloch 1916
The mythology of ancient Britain and Ireland - Squire, Charles 1909
The mythology of the British Islands; an introduction to Celtic myth, legend, poetry, and romance - Squire, Charles 1905
The Norse influence on Celtic Scotland - H 1910
The Phynodderree, and other legends of the Isle of Man - Callow, E 1882
The Pictish nation, its people & its church - Scott, A 1917
The poem-book of the Gael - Hull, E 1913
The prophecies of the Brahan seer (Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche) - Mackenzie, A 1888
The Religion Of The Ancient Celts - J A Macculloch 1911
The Saxon and the Celt; a study in sociology - J Robertson 1897
The Scotish Gael Or, Celtic Manners, as Preserved Among the Highlanders Vol I - James Logan 1876
The Scotish Gael Or, Celtic Manners, as Preserved Among the Highlanders Vol II - James Logan 1876
The Scottish fairy book - Grierson, E 1918
The sin-eater, and other tales - Sharp, W 1895
The testimony of tradition - MacRitchie, D 1890
The triumph and passing of Cuculain - O'Grady, S 1919
The veil of Isis, or, Mysteries of the Druids - Reade, W 18--
The voyage of Bran, son of Febal, to the land of the living; an old Irish saga (Volume 1) - Meyer, K 1895
The voyage of Bran, son of Febal, to the land of the living; an old Irish saga (Volume 2) - Meyer, K 1895
The washer of the ford, and other legendary moralities - Macleod, F 1896
The winged destiny  studies in the spiritual history of the Gael - Sharp, W 1905
Thoughts on the origin and descent of the Gael  - Grant, J 1814
Togail Bruidne Da Derga (Volume 8) - Knott, E 1936
Togail Bruidne Derga - The destruction of Da Derga's Hostel - Stokes, W 1902
Togail na Tebe - The Thebiad of Statius  the Irish text - Statius, P 1922
Told at the Feis stories of ancient Ireland 1917
Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland Vol I - W G Wood-Martin 1901
Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland Vol II - W G Wood-Martin 1902
Types of Celtic life and art - Hitchcock, F 1906
Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd - Rev. William Basil Jones 1851
Vestigia celtica  celtic footprints in philology, ethics, and religion - Masson, D 1882
Visions and beliefs in the west of Ireland Vol I - Gregory, Lady 1920
Visions and beliefs in the west of Ireland Vol II - Gregory, Lady 1920
Wagner's Tristan and Isolde - R Le Gallienne 1909
Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition (Volume 1) - 1889
Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition (Volume 2) - 1889
Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition (Volume 3) - 1890
Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition (Volume 4) - 1889
Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition (Volume 5) - 1885
Welsh fairy-tales and other stories - Emerson, P 1894
Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales - Owen, E 1896
Who were the Feinn; Did Fingal live or Ossian Sing; - Macbain, Alexander 1892
Wonder stories from the Mabinogion - Brooks, E 1908
Wonder tales from Scottish myth & legend - Mackenzie, Donald 1917


The Nature of Scanned Books

You will get a copy of each of the scanned books in PDF format. The PDF will be a replica of the book in exactly the condition it was available to us - so that will necessarily mean that the book will have inevitable signs of ageing. Some of the books in our collection are over 400 years old - it is not possible to maintain a book in pristine condition for that length of time. In addition any marks made by the previous owners will also be present. We do not consider that to be  a flaw of the product but rather adds to its authenticity.

Searchable - Each file is fully named on the drive so it is easy to search and find a particular title. In addition  each book is searchable and individual sections or pages  can easily be printed.

Viewing - The books will require suitable PDF software to view them, almost certainly you will already have this on your computer or device - if not such software is universally available for Free download.

Sizing - Page size can be adjusted to suit your needs for viewing text or images.

Printing - A complete book is printable, or individual sections or just individual pages too.

Images - All images can be printed out and used as you wish.


About the Drive


The drive is not suitable for use on a home DVD player connected to your TV or audio device. The drive contains PDF files (these are electronic books) which can be viewed on your computer. You can easily convert the PDF files to a similar format suitable for viewing on your Tablet, mobile phone, Kindle, eBook reader or other device using the totally free software called Calibre.

Please Note - Physical books are not included in this purchase; all books are scans of the original books in PDF digital format only. You will receive your USB drive only - there is no box included. The cost of a box plus associated increase in postage and packaging would mean the price of the item would need to at least double and we find that our customers do not value a box but rather they value the contents of our drives




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We feel certain you will be delighted with your purchase. If however for any reason you have cause for concern then please contact us. We are always happy to resolve any issue to your satisfaction and offer a full no-quibble money-back guarantee. We purchase many different items ourselves on eBay and understand the need for quality customer service.

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In 99.9% of cases we will post your international purchase to you within one Business day but after that we have absolutely no control over the speed, efficiency or effectiveness  of the particular delivery service that you have selected.

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