The Tar Heels - A History of UNC Basketball - Volume Two - Dean Smith - 1961-1969

North Carolina Basketball History.

Read in great detail about how Dean Smith got his start in basketball and at UNC. Volume Two covers Coach Smith's first decade as head coach of the Tar Heels- 1961-1969. Every season is covered with team roster, team pic, stats, results, unique stories and never-seen photos. The forward was written by Sports Illustrated Hall of Fame writer and UNC Alum, Currie Kirkpatrick. Also, Marty Brenneman, Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame broadcaster, who is also a UNC Alum, wrote a summary of the sixties. Marty was there during these years and offers unique insights. 

Recommended by Tar Heel greats- Lennie Rosenbluth, Phil Ford, Bob Lewis, Larry Brown, Dave Hanners, Dave Chadwick, Billy Cunningham, Bob Young, Tommy Kearns and many others.