I recently sold my RB-250 tonearm.  I have had the RB-250 and RB-300 in my collection which I acquired (years ago) used.  I decided to clean up my equipment a bit and decided to sell the RB-250 and mount the RB-300 on my Ariston RD-90 Superieur table which sports a Sumiko Premier PT-3 arm.  Unbeknownst to me, the nice brass arm board that accommodated the PT-3 has a really funky cutout which doesn't seem suitable for too many other tonearms, certainly not the RB-300.  So after the painful ordeal of dismounting the Premier arm, I had to remount it back.  I guess I could try and curate a suitable replacement armboard for the Rega but it's more trouble and time than I really want to undertake at this time.  So I have decided to sell the RB-300 instead.

Rega tonearms, especially the RB-250 and RB-300 have been the stalwarts of affordable and yet excellent performing tonearms.  it is no coincidence that you'll see RB-250 and RB-300 mounting on quite expensive turntables because they are over achievers until the owner can afford the much more expensive tonearms.  In additional you will also find modded RB-300 by Origin Live and other British outfits selling for much more.  But what it basically says is that it is a really good design.  You can also rewire them to up their performance.  But they are really tough to beat for what they are.  Many new tonearms often come into the market and yet the Regas appears to be a constant on many a reviewers' recommended tonearm (at that price point).