品牌:澄韵 货号:无 适用场景:商用 售卖方式:散装 产品类别:滇红 热卖月份:一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月,全年 原料与配料:云南大叶种茶 产品认证:否 储存条件:常温 保质期:36 原产地:云南 级别:一级 产品标准号:无 储藏方法:阴凉 干燥 通风 无异味 避免阳光直射 外包装:纸箱 是否礼盒装:否 生产日期:2022年3月8日 生产厂家:云南润兴茶叶有限公司 生产许可证编号:SC11453011251189 特色:无 是否为预包装食品:否 商品条形码:无 净含量(规格):500 是否进口:否

[Product Name]: Dianhong Rose Pearl (Dianhong Tea)

[Product raw materials]: Yunnan Fengqing Yunnan black tea + double-petaled roses

[Production process]: Yunnan black tea

Net content: 500 grams

【 Storage conditions 】: Clean, ventilated, dry, odorless, and avoid direct sunlight

【 Shelf life 】: Suitable for storage for 36 months under storage conditions


Baby display












Related instructions
【About Pu'er Tea】

Pu'er tea is a loose and compressed tea made from Yunnan large leaf sun dried green hairy tea in a certain region of Yunnan Province, which is fermented and processed

Tea. The harvesting of Pu'er tea is generally divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Harvest spring tea from February to April, within 15 days after Qingming Festival

The spring tea harvested is of high quality, with one more bud and one more leaf, and fine and white buds and stamens; Summer tea is harvested from May to July and is called Rainwater Tea. If made properly,

The quality of tea is similar to that of spring tea; autumn tea is harvested from August to October, called Guhua tea, and the tea quality is inferior to spring and summer tea; winter tea is rarely harvested, only tea farmers

Harvest in moderation and drink it yourself.