Selling a Minolta AF-C Point and shoot camera with the EF-C Detachable flash unit. ISO 400 version. Camera, has new light seals, powers up and battery camber is free of corrosion. Self-timer works and the detachable EF-C flash unit works and is also free of corrosion. 

PLEASE READ the following: the shutter fires, but lately it seems the focus confirmation LED and low light LED in the viewfinder occasionally does not light up. I've tried new batteries and it seems better, but ever since I started experiencing this issue, I've stopped using it and have since replaced it with another working AF-C so I cannot tell you how the photos are coming out since experiencing this issue. 

There is a tiny mark on the front element of the lens, not sure what it is, but when I took photos, it did not seem to affect image quality. 

Will not come with batteries for the camera or flash. 

Sold as-is.