Lean in, beloved seeker, and let the whispers of the Crossroads weave their mystic tale through our Road Opening Konjure Kits, offered in three sizes to meet your conjure needs. These sacred kits are not mere tools but vessels of transformation, meticulously crafted and fixed toward the spirit of the Crossroads.


At their heart lies Palo Abre Camino, an ancient force from the realms of Palo Mayombe, revered for its ability to part obstacles and unveil new pathways. With reverence, we summon the spirit of the Crossroads, where worlds converge and destinies intertwine. Palo Abre Camino, with its ancestral roots grounded in African diasporic traditions, serves as our guiding light in the realm of magic, leading us through the labyrinth of life's challenges and opportunities.


Each kit is adorned with Road Opening Konjure Candles, infused with the essence of Palo Abre Camino, beckoning forth the power of the Crossroads to clear the path ahead. Accompanied by Road Opening Spell Oil and herbs, meticulously selected and prepared to amplify the potency of Palo Abre Camino, these kits offer a sacred invitation to embrace the unknown and step into the realm of limitless potential.


The medium and large kits are further enhanced with a red and black skull candle, symbolizing the duality of the Crossroads and the power to overcome obstacles with strength and resilience.


As you embark on your journey with our Road Opening Konjure Kits, may the spirit of the Crossroads guide your steps and light your path toward the manifestation of your deepest desires. Open your heart, heed the call of the Crossroads, and let the magic unfold.


1oz Oil

10ml Herbs