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1 - minisheet with nine self-adhesive Six stamps

About the Stamps 
The stamps in this issue highlight 15 species of fruit, characteristics of the Brazilian cerrado, they are considered exotic-looking and have an appreciated taste. In mini-sheet, with self-adhesive stamps and silkscreen application of varnish, 9 species are shown, photographed in its natural environment, arranged between the dry branch of a typical cerrado tree. In mini-sheet the cajuzinho-do-cerrado, the gabiroba, the wild passion fruit, the pear-do-cerrado, the bacupari-do-cerrado, the baru, the cagaita, the araticum and the pequi are highlighted. On the sheet composed of 18 stamps, techniques were used for photography and computer graphics, the pineapple, the curriola, the pixirica, the murici, the marmelada-de-bezerro and the mangaba are highlighted. At the base of the print the Physiognomies of Cerrado biome, showing the forest formations, the savanna and the countryside are represented.

Technical Details
Stamp Issue n. 17 Art: Fabiano Bastos Pictures: Fabiano Bastos and José Felipe Ribeiro Print system: Minisheet with 9 stamps: offset, spot varnish Sheet with 18 stamps: ofsete Paper: Minisheet with 9 stamps: autoadhesive Sheet with 18 stamps: gummed chalky Minisheet Dimension: 200 x 150mm Facial value: Minisheet with 9 stamps: 2nd Class Rate for Domestic Commercial Mail Sheet with 18 stamps: 1st Class Rate for Domestic Commercial Mail Issue: Minisheet with 9 stamps: 450,000 stamps Sheet with 18 stamps: 450,000 stamps Design area: Minisheet with 9 stamps: 35mm x 35mm Sheet with 18 stamps: 33mm x 33mm Stamps dimensions: Minisheet with 9 stamps: 35mm x 35mm Sheet with 18 stamps: 38mm x 38mm Perforation (sheet with 18 stamps): 11,5 x 11,5 Date of issue: September 11th, 2016 Place of issue: Brasília/DF

Fruits of Cerrado The Brazilian Corporation of Agricultural Research under the Ministry of Agriculture, has the Embrapa Cerrados as an ecorregional Research Center. In this context, one of the results of over 40 years of experience of Embrapa and partners in the Cerrado biome was the identification of 12,385 plant species, grouped into 11 physiognomies. Among more than 60 species of native fruit and edible gifts, from these,15 are included in physiognomies, issuing stamps, which, besides feeding wildlife, have popular ornamental and medicinal use. These species, which already have technology for the production of seedlings, were used by the first people of the Cerrado more than 11000 years ago, and currently, are eaten raw or processed in the form of sweets, ice creams, juices, snacks, oils, among others. Fruits of Cerrado is an issue of the post office, in partnership with Embrapa Cerrados, aiming to promote the 15 native fruit of a Biome, which is considered the largest tropical savanna on the planet. Each stamp is therefore the find and the charm of a little piece of that great wealth! Pineapple, pineapple-do-cerrado: Ananas ananassoides (Baker) l. b. SM., Bromeliaceae Family: A herb up to 70 cm tall, narrow leaves, long and pointed, the pineapple is found in the Gallery Forest, Cerradão and Cerrado Restricted Sense (dense, typical, thin and rocky). The flowers are pollinated by bees, hummingbirds, butterflies; the low-hanging fruit can reach 20 cm and has a yellowish-green peel, yellow flesh, is juicy, sour, tasty and can introduce seeds; it feeds the tapir among other animals. Araticum, marolo, araticum-do-cerrado, panã: Annona crassiflora Mart., Annonaceae Family: A tree up to 8 m tall, the araticunzeiro occurs in the Cerradão, Cerrado Restricted Sense and Campo Rupestre. The flowers are pollinated by beetles; a fruit, when ripe, with a diameter of 15 cm, can reach up to 2 kg, and has greenish peel, yellowish pulp, is juicy, sweet, aromatic and has a strong flavor; it feeds wild canids, the tapir, rodents, ants, termites, among others. Bacupari-do-cerrado, krab: Salacia crassifolia (Mart. ex Schult.) G. Don, Celastraceae Family: A Tree up to 3 m tall, the bacuparizeiro occurs in the Cerradão and Cerrado Restricted Sense. The flowers are pollinated by insects; the mature fruit reaches 5 cm and has a yellow peel, yellow pulp, is gelatinous, sweet and tasty; it feeds wild canids, birds among others. Baru, cumaru: Dipteryx alata Vogel, Fabaceae-Papilionoideae Family: A tree up to 25 m tall, the Baru tree occurs in the Cerradão, the Dry Forest and the Cerrado Restricted Sense. The flowers are pollinated by bees; the mature fruit reaches 6 cm and has brown peel and pulp, pleasant flavor and odor and contains a brown nut rich in oil; it feeds monkeys, rodents, birds, bats, cattle, pigs among others. Cagaita: Eugenia dysenterica DC., Myrtaceae Family: A tree up to 10 m tall, stenocalyx dysentericus occurs in Cerradão, Dry Forest and Cerrado Restricted Sense. The flowers are pollinated by bees; the mature fruit reaches 3 cm and has a yellow peel, yellowish pulp, is juicy, aromatic, slightly sour and tasty; it feeds birds, wild canids, monkeys, bats, turtoises among others. Cajuzinho-do-cerrado, cajuí, cajuzinho-do-campo: Anacardium humile a. St.-Hil., Anacardiaceae Family: Bush of about 1.5 m, the cajuizeiro occurs in the Cerrado Restricted Sense and Campo Sujo. The flowers are pollinated primarily by bees; When mature, the color of the shell is red (false fruit), the hard part is grayed out (real fruit) and together reaches 6 cm; the pulp is cream color, juicy and sour; it feeds birds, wild canids, insects among others. Curriola, fruit-of-deer: Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk., the Sapotaceae Family: Tree up to 8 cm tall, currioleira occurs in the Gallery Forest, Cerradão, Cerrado Restricted Sense and Campo Sujo. The flowers are pollinated by bees; the mature fruit reaches 5 cm and has a green colour, has white latex, white pulp, is sweet, gelatinous and flavorful; it feeds wild canids, bats, birds, among others.
Gabiroba, gabiroba-do-campo: Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) Berg, Myrtaceae Family: Bush with a height of 30 cm to 2 m, the gabirobeira occurs in the Cerradão, Cerrado Restricted Sense, Campo Sujo and the edge of the Riparian Forest. The flowers are pollinated by bees; the mature fruit reaches 2 cm in diameter and has a yellowish-green color, yellow fleshy pulp, is gelatinous, aromatic and tasty; it feeds wild canids, birds among others. Hancornia Speciosa: Hancornia speciosa Gomes, Apocynaceae Family: A tree up to 7 m tall, the mangabeira occurs in the Cerradão, Cerrado Restricted Sense and Campo Sujo. The flowers are pollinated by moths, butterflies and bees; the mature fruit reaches 5 cm in diameter and has thin skin, yellow or green, with or without pink pigmentation, and cream-colored pulp, is fleshy, slimy, succulent and tasty; it feeds wild canids, tapirs, monkeys, birds, insects among others. Maracujá silvestre, passion fruit-of-sleep: Passiflora setacea CV.- BRS Pearl of the Cerrado, Passifloraceae Family: Rustic vine, this wild passion fruit occurs in Gallery forest, Dry Forest, Cerradão, Cerrado Rupestre, Campo Sujo and Campo Limpo. The flowers are pollinated by bats and moths; the mature fruit reaches 7 cm long and has a yellowish-green peel, yellow or cream-colored pulp, is tasty, juicy and slightly acidic; it feeds bats, monkeys among others. It’s a functional food and a new product with technology for cultivation on a commercial scale for the productive chain of the passion fruit. Marmalade-to-calf, guava, quince-do-cerrado: Alibertia edulis (Rich.) A. Rich. ex DC., Rubiaceae Family: A tree up to 8 m tall, the guava tree occurs in the Black Forest, Gallery Forest, Cerradão, Cerrado Restricted Sense and Vereda. The flowers are pollinated by insects; the mature fruit reaches 6 cm and has a brown peel, gray, almost black pulp, is sweet and tasty; it feeds monkeys, birds among others. Murici, murici-de-tabuleiro, ear-of-deer: Byrsonima verbascifolia (L.) DC., Malpighiaceae Family: Tree up to 5 m tall, the muricizeiro occurs in the Gallery Forest, Cerradão, Cerrado Restricted Sense, Campo Rupestre e Campo Sujo. The flowers are pollinated by bees; the mature fruit reaches 2 cm and has whitish pulp, is fleshy, sweet and sour; it feeds wild canids, tapirs, birds, bats, among others. Pequi, piqui-do-cerrado, almond-of-thorn: Caryocar brasiliense Cambess., Caryocaraceae Family: Tree up to 12 m tall, the pequizeiro occurs in the Cerradão and Cerrado Restricted sense. The flowers are pollinated by bats; the nectar of flowers feeds birds, bats and ants; the flowers feed rodents, deer and armadillos; the mature fruit reaches 8 cm in diameter and has a green peel, yellow aromatic fleshy pulp, it has a stone with thorns and the nut is rich in oil. The fruits are eaten by emus, seriemas, parrots, crows, rodents, deer, opossums, cattle among others. Pera-do-cerrado, calabash-do-campo: Eugenia klotzschiana Berg, Myrtaceae Family: Bush up to 1 m tall, the pereira-do-cerrado occurs in the Cerrado Restricted sense, Campo Sujo and Campo Limpo. The flowers are pollinated by insects; the low-hanging fruit varies from 6 cm to 10 cm and has a thin and yellowish shell, whitish fleshy pulp,is soft and watery; the flavor can range from sweet to sour, according to the region. It’s a plant mentioned in the work Grande Sertão Veredas of Guimarães Rosa, when the author has a “lemonade of calabash-of-field”. Pixirica, cinnamon-of-the-old, quaresma-white: Miconia albicans (Sw.) Triana, Melastomataceae Family: With up to 2.5 m, this shrub occurs in the Gallery Forest, Cerradão, Cerrado Restricted Sense, Vereda and Campo Sujo. The flowers are pollinated primarily by bees and butterflies; produces large amount of multicolored fruit; when ripe, the fruit is 1 cm in diameter and has emerald-green peel, bright green pulp, is sweet and tasty and has many small seeds; it feeds birds, wild canids, coatis, monkeys, bats, rodents, cuícas, tapirs, ants among others.

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